And I feel twisted up inside for all the stupid things I said
Always hurting people, I should learn to stay away
Stop sanding people's patience, stop with the extempores
An overbearing orator, give someone else the floor
Won't look me in the eyes, her hair draping disdain
Shame washes in my gut, I feel like a disease
I miss the old familiar comfort in past pariahship
But they will never know me, this is my guilt trip
And here I sit, all pitiful, feeling sorry for myself
For always I am selfish, don't want to face the truth
Justify my offense, forever, I, the victim
Or maybe I'm still growing, in self-forgiveness there is wisdom

18 Years of God Damn Bullshit: A Memoir
SachbücherPoems and stories from my chaotic life because I love to trauma dump with sexy words. Be kind, and enjoy <3