April 2, 2020
I'm going to be somebody one day
I swear it
My shit's already packed
I'm super excited for Sunday
If things don't work out, I'm going to be pissed
I don't care if we have to be quarantined
I just want to be quarantined with my family
And my own fucking phone with wifi instead of having it taken away like I'm some baby
I know things won't be perfect in _______
I'm not an idiot
There will be family issues
I'll need therapy
School will be hard (when we go back)
I have a future to plan for
I didn't imagine my life like this when I was a kid
But it will get better
I just have to focus on the bright side
I'm getting out soon
18 Years of God Damn Bullshit: A Memoir
غير روائيPoems and stories from my chaotic life because I love to trauma dump with sexy words. Be kind, and enjoy <3