Circus Robot

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((Shortened version))

Wednesday, December 5, 2019

It's all an illusion this stupid place. Like she said, a pause button on the real problem. Then you leave and have to face reality again.

I have to go to school

I have to get a good paying job

Shut up

Stop complaining about your situation

Stop playing the victim

But how can I do these things when I feel so small?

So worthless




A lost cause

A lost case in the system

I take short breaths in my shallow corner and come out when I am called

Brush my teeth when they tell me to

Do your school work

Don't take that to this room

Clean your room, it must be spotless

And stop complaining

Hold it in

Don't be like the others who go on and on about their problems until the rest of the room is sighing in their chairs

Don't play the victim

Make better choices

As if it were for me to decide

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