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'Guys this is Y/n Peggy Carter, your new roommate'

I squeeze Natasha's hand when i look at the young girl. She can't be taller than 5'1. Her blue eyes met mine. She smiles at me briefly before Maria pushes her further into the room. Tony gives Nat and me a warning look before walking to y/n and shaking her hand.

'Welcome y/n, i'm Tony Stark but you can call me Tony' Y/n looks at Maria questioningly. When she nods to her y/n whispers a little 'hello' to Tony. He smiles satisfied at her and then sits down on the couch with us again. Nat and I are just about to introduce ourselves when Maria whispers something to her.

Y/n holds Maria's sleeve tight. Steve looks puzzled at both of them. 'Where are you going Agent Hill?' I smile when I hear how formal Steve still is after all these years.

Maria frees herself from y/n's grip and looks at her apologetically. 'I'll be back to see you soon, I promise. I have to go home to my little Darcy' With these words Maria leaves the room and leaves an overwhelmed looking y/n behind.

The rest of the team introduces themselves while y/n smiles the whole time. Natasha and I exchange a look. We agree that this angelic smile is played and that y/n really feels uncomfortable. I'm just getting up from the couch when Tony stands in between y/n and me. 'I'll show you to your room, okay kid?' Y/n nods to him and smiles apologetically at Natasha and me before she disappears into the hallways with Tony.

Natasha walks to me and lays her head on my shoulder while she interlocks our hands. 'What do you think' I smile at her and brush a red curl from her face. 'She's the cutest i've ever seen. She is perfect' Nat starts to grin after my answer. 'I was thinking exactly the same Wands'

I kiss her on the forehead before Clint interrupts us. 'We order Pizza, which one do you want?' I smile as Natasha pretends to be disappointed. 'And I thought you knew me Barton. As always Wanda and I share a big margherita'

A little later we all gathered at the table. I look around and notice that a little missy is missing. Nat says what I think. 'Where is y/n?' Before Natasha or I can get up, Tony gets up from his chair. 'I'm going to get her' Nat rolls her eyes as she watches Tony leave the dining room and I can't blame her.

Y/n's pov

I'm sitting on my bed staring at the picture of my fifth birthday. Sharon holds me in her arms. Before I know my eyes fill with tears. I am interrupted when suddenly there is a knock on the door. I put the picture under my pillow and open the door.

'What's up?' Tony smiles at me before answering my question. 'We eat dinner and asked ourselves if you want to join us' I look at him hesitant. 'Tony I don't know' Before I realize it, Tony has already pulled me by my forearm out of the room.

We walk to the dining room to see all the avengers nervously walking around, except for two of them. Tony looks just as confused as I do. 'Cap what's going on?' 'We have a mission' Tony looks thoughtfully at me and then again at Steve. 'We can't leave her alone' 'We won't. Fury only asked for us boys, Wanda and Nat will keep her company'

I notice the two women pattering me. Tony must have noticed too. 'We can't leave her alone with those two Rogers you know what's going to happen' Steve looks at Tony seriously. 'We have no choice. Now suit up' Steve, Tony and the other Avengers leave the room, leaving me with the two women.

I smile at the two uncomfortably while I think about an excuse to be able to disappear into my room. 'I'm going to go now, I'm super tired. Wanda looks at me skeptically. 'Are you not hungry?' 'I have already eaten' I turn around to leave the room when Natasha calls after me. 'You haven't eaten yet'

I close my eyes and throw my head back in annoyance. I turn around and look at the two older women. They look at me with loving eyes and I feels myself slowly slipping. I look down on the floor again to avoid looking at then. 'I'm going to sleep now. See you tomorrow' With that I leave the room and run to my own.

Nat's pov

I watch y/n run out of the room. I have a weird feeling in my stomach knowing that I upset her. I look at Wanda and see that she feels the same. When Wanda ate up we went to our room. Just before Wanda opens the door I hear faint whimpers from the room next door. I look at Wanda and she is just as surprised as I am.

I walk to the room next door, y/n's room. My mother instincts get the best of me and before I can think I push the door handle down. It breaks my heart as I see y/n lying on her bed and crying. She seems to be having a nightmare. Wanda rushes to her side and strokes her head as she slowly wakes up.

I sit down next to y/n on the bed and notice the damp. Y/n also seems to notice when she looks at me and starts crying again. 'I-i'm so s'rry' I can't help but smile at how cute she looks right now. Wanda cups her cheeks and looks at her lovingly. 'You don't have to apologize Sweetheart. It's okay' Y/n stops crying when she listens to Wandas calming voice. 'I'll wash the sheets and Natasha will wash you' Wanda bumps her nose which makes y/n giggle lightly. 'Then you can go back to sleep, okay?' Y/n hesitantly nods. I hold out my hand and after what looks like a conflict in y/n's head, she takes my hand.

We both walk into Wanda's and mine bathroom leaving Wanda in y/n's room

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