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‚i knew it. i knew you did. it's so cool right?' ‚it's good. yes. i like it.' the three of them sit in silence for a while. ,Wait what?' Nat asks covering the ears of the sleeping y/n in her arms ,Sharon and Dreykov are her parents and the taskmaster is her sister?' Yelena nods while looking at nat driving ‚yes and now put your arms at the steering wheel.' nat smiles.

‚babygirl i know you're awake. ‚wtf, how?' y/n asks climbing of nats lap and to the backseats. yelena supresses a laugh while nat looks at y/n shocked than yelena. ‚that's on you. she spends to much time with you.' y/n tries not to laugh ‚yeah auntie yelena, that's on you.' ‚im gonna let that one through because it's the first time you called me auntie.' yelena answers and nat smiles. ‚btw where are we going' y/n asks leaning forward to look between the to women.
‚we're gonna need a jet.'

‚okay. cool. but still doesn't answer my question?'

in the countryside
‚i said we needed a jet.' ‚yeah, you know what you didn't give me? time. or money. i'm not made of jets.' ‚i thought you were supposed to be the best.' y/n adds:' heard that too, supposed to be like a real pro.' ‚oh, i beg your pardon, tsarina. was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking?' ‚ha!' ‚dont let them wind you up.' ‚no, i take exceptions to impugning my professionalism.' ‚well, you did set me up with a generator that crapped after six hours' he scoffs ‚you, too? huh? tag team.'

y/n comes out from behind the helicopter and pouts ‚aw, he's sensitive.' he looks at her and points at her ‚liked you more when you were asleep.' y/n crossed her arms. yelena looks at her sister ‚see why you keep him around' y/n looks at nat. her eyes start glowing.

natasha looks through clothes. ‚you know, you're getting dangerously close to running out your tab. supplies i can tally, but you bring me attention from the authorities, all my prices go up.' she frowns ‚what's that supposed to mean?' ‚your mate, secretary ross has been sniffling around my affairs' y/n starts making vomit noises by the mention of ross while going to yelena in the shabby helicopter. ‚to the point at which i've got contacts declining my calls. i'm a private contractor.' nat answers while walking closer to mason ,you are sensitive'

y/n watches the interaction. after nats answer she throws her mother against a tree with her power. nat growns while mason and yelena run to her. mason looks at her confused ‚what happened?' y/n pops her head out of the helicopter ‚sorry, slipped' nat glares at her and mumbled ,yeah. sure you did'

A few hours later
‚today's your lucky day alexei' yelena shows her tablet. ‚move to the door on the south wall.' the doors open and alexei walks toward the security room. he punched through the glas and pulls one and throw him and then the other out. ‚go left. just don't make a scene.' he escapes. ‚you made a scene, didn't you?' alexei kicks an iron door and steps outside. he runs toward a wall, then stops ‚what now?' nat answers on radio ,we're gettin' you outta here. go to the upper level. move your ass, super soldier' ‚hes never going to make it' ‚get me closer' yelena looks at her unsure. ‚you got a better idea?' although y/n is still angry she looks up in shock. lying on his back, alexei stares up ‚nahasha'

the helicopter comes lower and natasha swings out on a line. she lands on a walkway in the pose that yelena made fun of. yelena shakes her head ‚such a poser' y/n watches in shook ‚mommy i wan mommy.' yelena looks at the little and talks through the com ‚nat don't panick.' she answers while fighting ‚what!' ‚i said don't panick' nat warns ‚yelena' ‚she's little.' nat stops for a second and gets a punch in reward ‚watch her'

yelena struggles with the controls. natasha knocks out another guard than drops back to avoid being chopped up by the helicopter. natasha grunts ‚seriously?' ‚whoo! sorry!' nat runs closer ‚what are you doing? are you kidding me? back up!' ‚we're both doing a really good job.' ‚mommy' y/n smiles and walks to the open door. ‚y/n no!' nat sees the guard on the tower with the huge machine gun and speaks with panik ‚yelena get her' yelena looks around when she hears crying. y/n has a hole in her upper arm. nat asks ‚what happened' ‚i don't know. she's bleeding. and glowing?' y/n screams and a wave of magic releases following with many explosions and an avalanche towards the dungeon. ‚whoah...this would be a cool way to die'

alexei yells up at natasha ‚tell me that's a good sign for us!' ‚move your ass!' the prisoners look scared when they see the huge amount of snow. nat yells up at yelena ‚get us outta here!' ‚huh.' y/n in the meantime at her biological headspace again sits in corner and has her knees pressed against her forehead. yelena looks at her desperately before she pulls on the controls to bend the helicopter around. natasha jumps and grabs onto the line hanging from the chopper. alexei stares at the helicopter heading away ‚wait' y/n looks up ‚lena i know you don't want to but you have to get him.' yelena rolls her eyes ‚then you need to promise me to talk to your mom.' y/n scoffs. yelena flies further away from the prison ‚okay okay i promise, just get him.' the helicopter turns around with natasha swinging above. she reaches down

‚i need some help up her' alexei closes the door after yelling at the prison. nat sits next to yelena and then turns around to look at y/n. she sees that yelena had taken care of y/n's wound and exhales exhausted before glaring at her again. y/n rolls her eyes.

‚it means so much to me that you came back for me.' nat shakes her head ‚no. no. you're gonna tell us how to get to the red room.' alexei turns to look at yelena before looking at nat again ‚huh. whoah, look at you, huh? all business.' ‚trust me, this isn't pleasure.' y/n scoffs ‚yeah tell me something new.' nat looks at her in anger ‚i don't know what your problem ist missy, but i would not keep that attitude.' y/n stands up with her eyes glowing ‚or what?'

‚tell me where the red room is' ‚why not ask melina where it is?' ‚wait, mom melina?' ‚we thought she was dead.' alexei scoffs ‚you cannot kill a fox with a swift.' ‚ew.' ‚what? she works outside st. petersburg.' yelena scoffs ‚uh... i don't think we have enough fuel for st. petersburg.' ‚no, we're good. we'll make it.' ‚okay.'

the helicopter falls out of the sky and crashes on a roadway in the middle of nowhere. the four get out of the smoking helicopter and look around the wilderness. y/n looks at alexei accusingly ‚you were saying?' he bends down ‚and who are you?' y/n takes a step backwards ‚you smell really bad' alexei looks at the sisters for an explanation. natascha glares at y/n, who glares back. ‚alexei meet your granddaughter.'

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