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‚You gonna wake her up' ,nat calm down' wanda we don't have time.' ‚i know'

New Jersey 2018
Wanda sits on the grass near the town sign that says ‚westviev' Nat looks down at her. ‚What's going on in your pretty head wands?' wanda pulls the grass while nat sits next to her. I don't know' she leans her head against nats shoulder while nat plays with Wanda's hair. ‚I don't wanna leave. It's home.' nat smiles sadly at her. ‚we don't have a choice. We will send y/n to king t'challa, you will stay with vision and protect him and I'm gonna be with Steve and Sam.

‚Mommy look mama has your hair now.' Nat leans against the doorframe and looks at the mess in her bathroom. The girl is sitting in the sink with brown hair dye in her hair and her two giraffes in her hands. Wanda has a hairdryer in her head and smiles through the mirror to nat. ‚You know you're next right?' ‚i don't think so' wanda looks at her red hair and then at y/n ,which colour do we want mommy to have?' y/n thinks a moment and smiles ,blond. Like me. Then we all switched.' ‚blond it is' nat rolls her eyes but sits on the chair. Y/n climbs on her lap while wanda buts the bleaching stuff in. Wanda and nat look at each other through the mirror.

Natasha? Is she gonna be okay without us?
She has to be.
Let's just try to use these last moments and pretend to be a normal family.
Oh that's why we're all dying our hair.
Nat rolls her eyes and smiles
I love you
I know you do. I love you too.

Wanda blinks a few tears away and gives y/n a kiss on the head. ‚I love you babygirl' ,I luv you too mama' she gives both her moms a kiss before falling asleep on nats lap.

Btw the attitude and her eye rolling. She got that from you
Nat looks shocked.
The perfect bubble she lives in. She got that from you.
Maybe a bubble with just us three wouldn't be the worst.
It definitely wouldn't

‚Peaches? We have to tell you something.' ‚what mama?' Wanda looks at nat for help. Nat takes her hand and looks at the girl. ‚Mommy?' ‚listen y/n. You know about the evil guys mama and I fight?' y/n nods and takes a bite from her banana. ‚There are a few more bad guys. Mama needs to protect vision and I need to help Steve and Sam.' ‚i wan' go wif mama' Wanda looks at her with tears in her eyes. ‚No honey. You will go to king t'challa. Remember him? You met him in germany. Uncle Bucky will be there too.' y/n looks at the two. ‚Honey say something' wanda try's to take y/n hand. ‚Don't touch me.' ,what are you thinking about y/n?' ‚mhm I don't know nat. Maybe the fact that we can't be a family. Every time we settle down one of you need to do something more important. I like Westview. This is home. I don't want us to move.' ‚y/n it's not like we have a choice. If I had one you would go to school tomorrow and wanda and I had normal jobs and lifes. But we don't have the privilege to choose. the war is coming.' ‚you always have a choice.' she stands up and leaves the table.

‚Wanda you need to wake her up. Steve and Sam will be here in a few hours. They want to fly to wakanda first and then we will meet Vision in Scotland' ‚id much rather watch her sleep.' nat signs at lays in bet next to wanda who has y/n on top of her.

Nats awoken by a knock on the door. She jumps up and runs to answer the door. ‚it's nice here nat.' steve says and hugs her. He knows nat wishes for a normal life just as much as he did. ,don't touch that, nat looks at Sam who looks at the pottery decoration she and her girls did a few months ago. ‚Didn't think you would be the decoration type, always thought you would be more of a white walls and a dying plant max type.' nat looks at the pictures wanda hung up the wall. ‚Wanda tried to make this place as homey as it could be.' ,speaking of, where is little witchy' nat raises her brow when wanda comes down the stairs. Cap claps his hands ‚okay where's y/n then we can go'
Nat and wanda looks at each other.

‚Honey what are you doing here?' she looks at the girl concerned. ‚Pepper who's that' tony walks to the door and looks at y/n. After a few seconds he hugs her tightly with pepper joining in. He lets go of her and puts his hands on her cheeks. ‚I haven't seen you in almos two years.' he takes a moment to look at her. ‚Im so sorry about germany. I didn't what that all to happen. I didn't what to put you in this position and I-' y/n hugs him tightly. ‚I missed you uncle tony. Both of you.'

‚Thanks pepper.' nat hangs up the phone. Wanda walks to her. ‚What happened. Do you know where she is?' ‚y/n is with pepper and tony.' ‚great let's go and pick her up.' she goes to walk away when nat graps her by her wrist and stops her. ‚She is safe with tony. She doesn't wanna see us right know and we both have missions' ‚so we're just never gonna see her again?' ,not till it's over '

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