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‚I hate you y/n peggy romanoff-maxinoff. But lucky for you I also love you. And I'm going to show you exactly how much I love you.' kate husked picking you up and walking you upstairs. She throws you onto the bed rippes off your dress and kisses you harshly. Your hands found her Center and you start to finger her through her trousers. Her lips traveled down your stomach and connected to your swollen bud. You moan loudly as she continues to pleasure you. Her fingers teased your entrance before sliding in. Fingers meeting your g-spot every time. With her tongue circling your clit and her fingers inside you you lined loudly. You close your eyes for a second as you start to feel yourself come. You heard kate unbuckle her trousers and slide them off. As you open your eyes again you see her naked pussy. She looks down at you and massages your breasts. ‚Please' you whimpered. Kate smirked at you ‚wait a moment baby.' she lays you back on you back. You exhale in surprise as you feel kate inside you again. ‚You. Are. Mine. And. Only. Mine.' she grunts with every thrust. Her hand trailed to your neck and softly squeezes it. ‚I-I'm yours.'

A few days later. Tony carries Morgan towards the lake house. He stops when he sees Steve coming out of a car along with nat and Scott. Stepping onto the porch tony turns to face them. Natasha gives tony a nod which he returns before heading inside. Later the four of them talk on the porch. ‚It's laughable. It's a pipe dream.' ‚the stones are in the past. We could go back we can get them.' ‚we can snap our own fingers and bring everybody back.' natasha turns to look at tony. He sighs ‚or we could make it worse.' nat stares at him. ‚I don't think we would' tony looks at cap ‚sometimes I miss that optimism.' they discuss for a bit longer ‚that's not how quantum physics works' ‚tony' nat looks at him with tears in her eyes ‚we have to take a stand' ‚we did stand. And yet here we are.' a few arguments later footsteps approach. Morgan appears. ‚Mommy told me to come and safe you.' he lifts her up ‚god job. I'm saved. I wish you were coming here to ask me something else. Anything else. I'm honestly happy to see you guys. if you don't talk Shop you can stay for lunch. Table is set for six.' cap looks at him ‚this is a second chance' ‚i got my second chance right here. I can't risk it.' Steve nods and turns to leave when Morgan speaks up ‚daddy? Is the lady with the read hair y/ns mommy?' nat stops abruptly and turns to tony. Steve looks at her ,Oh no' he and Scott take a step back while tony told Morgan to go wait inside. ,was she here' ‚nat I don't wanna get in the middle of your fight' ‚she was? How is she? Is she living with you? Where is she staying' tony waits a few second so nat can calm down before he hugs her and then looks at Steve. Steve takes Natasha's hand. ‚We should go now nat.'

Steve looks up and sees a car racing down the driveway. ,why the long face. Let me guess, he turned into a baby.' ‚among other things yeah. What are you doing here?' ‚i fixed it. A fully functioning time-space gps.' After they shake hands over the deal to not die tony goes to his trunk. He gives Steve his shield. ‚Will you keep that a secret? Didn't bring one for the whole team. We are getting the hole team yeah?' Steve nods. Before he can answer they hear claps. They look to the door to see nat approach them. ‚Very sentimental boys. Loved the part where you two were gazing into each others eyes. we're working on getting the old band together but we're missing the location of someone.' ‚nat she asked me to not tell you her location.' nat looks at him ‚then don't. You can bring her or Clint. Hell even steve could go.' tony nods. ‚I missed you' nat hugs him ‚i missed you too stark.'

Steve looks at the piece of paper then looks at tony unsure ‚are sure this is the right adress?' tony looks at the mansion ‚that's what she told me.' he knocks on the door. y/n lays on the couch with her head in Kate's lap. Kate reads a book and strokes y/n's head. Meanwhile y/n is trying to sleep when the harsh knocks interrupt her. She groans when Kate stands up. She sits on the couch and takes Kate's hand she looks at her hopefully ,If we are quiet they might go away.' she does her best puppy eyes but Kate just smiles at her. ‚you're cute but Im gonna open the door now. Maybe you should put on something less revealing.' y/n looks at the black dress she's wearing. ‚i thought you like that dress' ‚i do. But I don't like others liking that dress.' y/n smiles and puts on Kate's purple hoodie.

Kate opens the door. ‚See tony, that is clearly not her.' she looks at them confused ‚may I help you.' ‚i know that this is not her cap. I have eyes.' ‚told you you got the wrong adress.' ‚no' tony says and looks at her questioningly, you must be kate?' kate nods unsure. Tony holds out his hand for Kate to shake. ‚Im tony stark and this is-' y/n walks out of the door ,Steve? Tony what are you doing here?' kate glares at her ‚i mean nice too see you wanna come in?' she looks at kate approving nod and rolls her eyes.

,a time heist?' y/n crosses her arms unimpressed. ‚Were still working on the name-' tony interrupts Steve ‚its a second chance y/n. You could bring everybody back.' kate looks at her surprised. ‚Tony this is not safe.' kate takes y/ns hand under the table ‚y/n. Don't you realise? You can bring your mom back?' ‚kate there is no guarantee that it'll work.' Steve looks at her ‚don't you wanna take that chance' the girl sighs ‚of course I wanna.'

Y/n and Kate walk out of the living room leaving Steve and tony in the kitchen to pack a few things for y/n. ‚glad we put on my hoodie, aren't we?' y/n smiles at Kate's comment and throws panties at her instead of the backpack. Kate catches them and smiles ,you now this is not a punishment. Right?' Kate's smile disappears when she sees the look on y/ns face. She sits down next to the girl. Y/n leans on Kate's shoulder and exhales, a breath she didn't realise she was holding in. ‚I'm scared.' ,I know. And you have every reason to be. You don't have to do this you know. But think about all the people who lost Someone important. You have the chance to bring them back.' tony knocks on the bedroom door. ‚Are you ready.' ‚as I'll ever be.' she stands up and follows tony when Kate grabs her wrist. She turns y/n around and kisses her softly. Y/n smiles but stops when she sees Kate's expression ‚don't die out there or I will kill you.' y/n smiles ‚dint you think that would be a little late if I already died?' ‚i mean it y/n. I will through you off a cliff. Better come back. I need you.' y/n stands in her toes to look kate in the eyes ‚Katherine Elizabeth Bishop I promise you I won't let anybody kill me except for you.' kate smiles at her ‚go' y/n waves goodbye before she closes the door behind her and sits into the car. She leans between the two front seats ‚so where are we going now?' ‚home' she sits back and leans against the window and whispers to herself ‚home'

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