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Y/n walks out of the car and looks at the front door of hq. Steve and tony look at her ‚don't you wanna come in?' ‚give me a second. Nat stands on a balcony. She watches the girl. Her brown dyed hair goes down in a her natural blond hairline. She wears combat boots a black dress and Wanda's red letter jacket. Her backpack hangs loosely over her shoulder. Nat smiles when y/n walks to the front door and opens it. Inside she is met with the survivors of the blip. Y/n looks at her family Clint, tony, Thor, Steve, rhody and Bruce she also spots some new faces Scott, nebula and rocket. She hears steps behind her and turns around to see nat. Nat softly smiles. Y/n returns that smile and hugs her. They don't talk. They just stand there enjoying the moment. After a while nat let's go of the girl. ‚How are you y/n' she strokes the cheek of the girl. Y/n puts her hands on top of nats ‚im fine. It's hard without mom. And without you.' ‚i miss your mom too baby' y/n hugs her another time. Nat gives her a kiss on top of the girl head. Y/n looks at the older woman ‚im sorry mom.' nat smiles with teary eyes. No one had called her that in five years. ‚It's okay babygirl we can talk about this after we brought your mom back.'

In the conference room. There is a screen that says ‚brainstorming' cap begins to talk ‚okay so the how works. Now we gotta figure out the when and the where. Almost everyone in this room has had encounter with at least on if the six infinity stones.' tony adds ‚or substitute the word 'encounter' for 'damn near been killed' by one of the six infinity stones.' y/n who sits in between nat and rhody chuckles at his words. Scott looks at tony confused ‚well I haven't but I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about.' banner walks around the table ‚regardless we only have enough Pym particles for one round-trip each. And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history.' ‚our history. So not a lot convenient spots to just drop in yeah?' Clint looks at him ‚which means we have to pick our targets.' ‚correct'

On the screen the names of the stones arranged in relation to each other. ‚Okay we have a plan. Six stones, three teams, on shot.' everybody stands up to lock at the screen. The team walks through the compound wearing the silver red suits. ‚Five years ago we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family.' at Steve words nat takes y/n hand. She squeezes it. ‚We lost part of ourselves. Today we have the chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each. No mistakes... no do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives...and we're gonna win.' tony looks at Steve ‚whatever it takes.' the older man smiles at him. ‚Good luck' rocket looks impressed ‚hes pretty hot at that' ‚right?' ‚all right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys jolly green' Clint opens his hand to look at quills spaceship' rocket looks at him unsure ‚you promise to bring that back in one piece right?' ‚yeah yeah yeah. Okay I'll do my best.' Clint smiles at him ‚as promises go that was pretty lame.' Bruce walks to the rest in the team. They form into a circle. Tony and nat look at Steve and smile. ‚See ya in a minute.' y/n claps her hands ‚let's bring our family back.' and just like that. Everyone disappeared into the quantum.

In space. Morag 2014. ‚all right bring it down Blue. Right in that line. That's it. Down down.' nat kicks a creature to the side. Y/n looks at he shocked ‚mom?!' nat shrugs ‚what? It was looking at me weird.' Clint looks at rhody ‚hey can we hurry it up?' ,guys chop-chop. Come on. We're on the clock.' ‚all that is really helpful.' nat and y/n start smiling. A few moments later y/n let's go of rhody. Nat hugs him ‚take care okay?' ‚yeah. Get that stone and come back. No messing around.'
,you guys watch each others six.' ‚what's the worst that could happen old man?' y/n turns around and smiles at him before walking into the spaceship.
The door closes. Rhody walks to nebula and talks to himself ‚what's the worst that could happen old man? Oh I don't know y/n. Maybe die?!'

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