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,Wanda please leave' ‚you asked me to stay. I'm staying' thanos two helpers break through the roof and look at their prey. Wanda. She stands up and walks in front of vision to protect him. Proxima looks confused at the train that's passing by behind wanda. She throws her weapon at the man who catches it. Steve rogers. Wanda watches as Sam shoots missiles at Corvus. Wanda sees nat fighting and almost killing Corvus and starts smiling. She whispers ‚natasha'

‚We don't wanna kill you, but we will.' ,you'll never get the chance again.' after that they both teleport back to their ship.

‚Thank you captain' ‚let's get you on the jet.' arriving in the jet natasha looks at wanda. ‚Now, I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances.' ‚im sorry, I wanted to-' nat interrupts Wanda's apology ‚you wanted to go to New York?' nat sits in front of wanda and takes both her hands. A bit quieter she asks ‚are you okay' wanda stands up and walks to the end of the jet so no one could hear them. ‚So you saw the news too?' nat walks to wanda ‚tony gone missing? Yep I saw that.' ‚did you speak to pepper?' ‚told something about a guy named Steven strange. But she doesn't know if y/n is in space with him.' wanda nods defeated.

‚Where to cap?' ‚home'

‚You got some nerve. I'll give you that.' he speaks with cap but looks at natasha ,you could use some of that right now. Btw did you recover?' she smirks when Ross finally turns to cap ,the worlds on fire. And you think all is forgiven?' ‚im not looking for forgiveness. And I'm-' steve is interrupted when natasha turns off the hologram. ‚Sorry Steve. Couldn't take it anymore.' wanda snickers when Bruce appears. ,I think you look great. Yeah, I'm back.' nat looks at him and smiles with surprise. ,hi Bruce' he stares at her ‚nat.' wanda looks at her girlfriends ex and clears her throat. Sam looks at her and vision. ‚This is awkward'

Wanda walks in front of natasha which makes nat smirk. Wanda glares at her for smirking before looking at Bruce ‚pepper told nat you where with dr. Steven strange. You know where y/n is?' ,before the fight began strange teleported her to wakanda.' wanda nods before taking nats hand and walking back to vision and sam.

Y/n stands on the battlefield and trains with Bucky when Shuri speaks to her through the kimoyo pearls. ,y/n?' she dodges a punch from Bucky before answering ‚ sup princess' she hears shuri smile before replying ‚can you come up?' ‚give me 5' she shoots an energy wave and Bucky and smirks before helping him up. ‚I have to got to the lab, thanks for your help.' she walks to the lap and sees shuri preparing an operation table. ‚Hey y/n' ‚what can I do for you my majastie' y/n does a little bow before getting hit with a pen. ‚Ouch' ‚i demand you to stop calling me that. For you it's shuri.' they both smile. ‚You were in desperate need for my help I heard?' shuri rolls her eyes before explaining. ‚Vision has the Mindstone. I'm gonna try to kind of separate him from the stone, without killing him. But we have little to no time. That's were you come in. If everything goes down miss maximoff will destroy the stone which will potentially hurt or kill the vision.' ‚you want me to heal him?' ,can you do that.' ,I can try. Wait. So wanda is coming to wakanda.' ‚they all are.'

,drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0.' ,I hope you're right about this. Or we gonna land a lot faster than you want to.'

‚When you said we were going to open up wakanda to the rest of the world...this is not what I imagined' ‚and what did you imagine?' ‚the Olympic. Maybe even a Starbucks.' the quintet lands in front of them and opens to reveal Steve natasha and the rest behind them. Bruce bows in front of the king. ‚We don't do this here.' wanda whispers to natasha ‚god he's such a dork how could you-‚ nat looks at her to silence her. They walk for a bit when Wanda wanted to ask for her baby but nat stops her. ‚So how big of an assault should we expect?' ‚sir I think you should expect quite a big assault.' Nat takes Wanda's hand while they follow t'challa ‚how we looking?' ‚you will have my kingsguard, the border tribe, the Dora milaje, and..' ‚a semi-stable 100-year-old man.' Steve and Bucky hug which reveals y/n who was standing behind Bucky. ‚And me, a relatively-stable teenager.' wanda and nat run to her and hug her. Wanda picks her up and y/n wraps her legs around Wanda's waist. ‚Mama' she snuggles into her neck. Nat strokes the brown dyed hair. ‚How are you babygirl' ‚fin' Y/n feels herself slip, that's why she starts climbing off wanda to stand on her own two feet. ‚Not now mom.' wanda smiles sadly and gives her a kiss on the head. ‚That's why you're gonna fly to New York now. pepper said she'll watch you.' ‚I'm not a baby. I will stay' nat glares at her ‚no. You will go now.' she graps y/ns arm. Wanda looks at her ‚nat I think you should-' ,Natasha let go of me.'y/n looks at nat furious her eyes start glowing white. Shuri interruptes the interaction. ‚Miss romanoff I understand your concern but we need your daughter here.' nat let's go off y/n and starts walking towards shuri. She crosses her arms and lifts an eyebrow. ‚And tell me princess why is that so' shuri smirks at y/n before answering ‚im gonna reprogram the synapses so they'll work collectively.' nat scoffs ‚and what does that mean.' wanda sees how shuri looks at y/n worried. She steps closer to her daughter and wraps an arm around her. Shuri thinks off a way to explain it to the group when y/n steps in ‚shuri is gonna disconnect vision and the stone, then mom can destroy the mind stone without hurting vis.' nat turns around to y/n ‚what does that have to do with you.' shuri Scans vision another time. She looks at him and speaks directly with him. ‚There is a possibility in which I can't separate the stone from you. Not fast enough. In this scenario miss maximoff would've had to destroy the stone, while still in your head.' shuri looks at nat before continuing to explain. ‚in this case we need your daughter to heal vision. But in either case I'll have to start now because it takes time.' nat wants to start complaining when cap steps in ‚how long' ‚as long as you can give me'

‚Somethings entered the atmosphere'

‚Hey cap we got a situation here'

Sam and Bucky watch as the ship explodes when it hits the invisible forcefield.

‚We got more incoming outside the dome'

Many ships start dropping like meteorites

They all watch from the lap. Y/n takes Wandas Hand while they look outside. ‚Mom' ‚yes honey' ‚is this the start.' she looks at y/n and tries to hide her worries. With her thumbs she wipes y/ns tears away. ‚We will get through this. After it ends we will be a family again. A happy family with a normal life' they hug each other tightly

Nat and Steve share a look. Nat walks to wanda and gives her a kiss. ‚I love you wanda.' she takes y/ns hand and follows Steve outside ‚you sure you wanna do this?' ‚I'm sure nat.' nat nods. They walk towards the frond of the formation of wakandian worriers. ‚Mommy? Are you scared? That you will die?' she look at y/n with surprise and thinks a second. ‚no.' she look at her mom surprised. ‚You're not scared?' ‚That's not what I said is it?' y/n looks at her confused. natasha crouches in front of y/n. ‚I am scared. Not that I will die. But I'm scared my biggest fear will come true. I'm scared that I could loose your mom. And you.' y/n wants to answer when Steve calls them. They join t'challa, Steve and Bucky at the front. Proxima appears. Natasha Steve and king t'challa walk towards the end of the invisible shield. ‚Where's your other friend?' ,you will pay for his life.' proxima stops looking at nat and smiles when she finds y/n in the crowd,' nat bites here cheek while proxima starts talking again. ‚Thanos will have that stone' ‚that's not gonna happen. None of the things thanos or you were planning to do.' ‚you are in wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.' ‚we... have blood to spare. Do you?' she smirks at natasha who tries to not let her mask slip.

Steve natasha and t'challa return to the waiting army. Nat takes y/n by her upper arm. ‚'i want you to go.' ‚but mom I-‚ ‚now y/n' she doesn't move. ‚I don't care where you go. Go to pepper or Maria and darcy. But go. I don't want you here.' still no movement from the girl. Nat practically screams at her ‚y/n peggy romanoff maximoff i told you to leave now.'
Bucky looks at the mother daughter duo and whispers to Steve ‚seeing Natasha's reaction they didn't surrender?' Steve looks at him seriously.
‚Natasha I will not leave. I can help you.' ‚no y/n you're just a stupid child. You don't know what you do. You live in your little bubble and think everything's gonna be fine. You don't have a clue how the world really works. If you go out there you will die. Out there I can't protect you-' nat stops when she hears growls. She looks away from y/n and the tears that started to roll over the rosy cheeks. she turns around to see an army of monsters running toward the humans. ‚What the hell.' she looks at Bucky ‚looks like we pissed her of' When she turns around again y/n is gone. ‚Shit'

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