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Y/n gasps. She opens her eyes and looks around the room to see her family staring at her. Well half of it. She looks at nat. Tears start to form in her eyes. ‚Where is wanda' she looks at nat. Then tony and pepper. Maria and darcy. Then nat again. Steve speaks up ‚listen y/n' nat interrupts him ‚dont' everyone looks at her confused. She stands up. ‚Could you give us a few minutes?' everyone nods and leaves the room. Y/n sits up. ‚Natasha what is it?' nat cringes at the name. ‚You have to be calm' y/n looks at her and tilts her head ‚i am' nat takes a deep breath. ‚You've been in a coma. For the last 4 years.' y/n looks at her with tears in her eyes ‚where is my mom.' nat takes her hand ‚she's gone honey' she waits for a response from the girl but is met with silence and no eye contact. Nat stands up. ‚Im sorry y/n. My job was to protect you. My family. Her. But I'm really trying to do everything so our live can be as normal as possible again.' y/n looks at her with anger ,normal again. Please tell me you didn't just say that.' both of them stand up. Nat walks towards her ,y/n I swear I'm doing everything I can so that her loss won't be so hard for you. We can do this. Together.' ‚her loss? Natasha are you even hearing what you say.' ‚i am well aware of the words that leave my mouth. Yes' ‚you don't even say her same. Say it. Mom is gone. Wanda. Your girlfriend. Gone. Say it.' nat looks at the floor without saying something. The girl scoffs and leaves the room.

Y/n gets off her motorbike. She walks along the forest path and spots the little tent. When she sees movement in it she starts smiling. She approaches the tent and speaks to her watch. ‚I got movement on 12 o'clock. Going in now.' Someone inside the tent stands up. She speaks in panick ‚i was seen. They got me.' Morgan steps out of the tent and aims at y/n with her toy armour. The girl smiles ‚got you' y/n smiles defeated ‚did I loose again?' Morgan smiles and hugs her. Y/n ruffles her hair. Morgan looks up at her ‚y/nn you know that I know you let me win right? I'm not a little girl anymore.' ‚you aren't? Then explain why I can do this' y/n picks her up and starts tickling the 5-year old. The laughs of the girl echo through the forest. Y/n sits her down and looks at the girl. ‚Should we go in?' Morgan nods and takes her hand. She leads y/n up the stairs to the front door. As she pushes down the doorknob somebody opens the door. Tony looks at his daughter and than the taller girl. He lets them step in and hugs y/n. ‚I haven't heard from you in weeks.' y/n let's go if him only to be hugged by pepper. ‚Peps your gonna squeeze the life out of this girl' ‚she will get over it' pepper let's go of her and puts her hands on the girls cheeks. ‚You promised you would call weekly. What have you been doing. Are you still staying at kates. Did you talk to nat? She misses you.' ‚pepper let her get some rest.' pepper nods. She smiles at y/n and takes her hand. She leads her to the sofa and takes place to the on in front of her. Tony sits next to pepper while Morgan jumps on y/n lap which results in both of the girls laughing.

Y/n sits on her motorbike and looks at the family waving at her from the porch. Tony calls over ‚promise you'll come back soon okay?' ‚i promise uncle tony.' he smiles satisfied and leads his family inside the house. After the drive y/n parks her bike inside the underground car pack. She searches for her keys and opens the door. Kate calls down the stairs ‚y/n?' ‚who else did you expect?' Kate walks to her and roles her eyes smiling. She lifts y/n up and gives her a kiss. ‚You've been gone for a few hours. Thought you-' ‚Kate I'm not gonna turn to dust again.' she lets y/n stand on the floor again ‚i know. I just-' ‚i know.' kate takes her hand and leads her to the kitchen. She lifts her up and places her on the kitchen counter. Y/n grabs some frootloops and starts snacking ‚so what's for dinner?' kate takes the frootloops away ‚mac'n'cheese so don't start snacking now or you won't be hungry when dinner is ready.' y/n pouts. Kate smiles at her ‚you're cute'
‚I can't believe you're doing that. Every time.' y/n looks at her offended ‚i can't believe you're not. You didn't even try it' she holds the sriracha bottle for kate to take ‚over my dead body.' y/n rolls her eyes playfully. ‚Y/n?' y/n looks at her ‚full name hm?' kate smiles before looking and her plate. ‚Uh and avoiding eye contact. This must be bad.' kate looks at her ‚would you stop? It's just that-' y/n plays with the noodles left on her plate ‚you want me to talk to natasha?' ‚fuck. you're good at reading me.' when y/n doesn't answer she continues ‚i know it's not my business but it's just that I lost my mom in the blip and-' y/n stands up. ‚so did I kate.' y/n starts cleaning up the table when Kate grabs her by her wrist. ‚stop doing that. You're always doing that.' y/n looks at her confused ‚what?' ‚walking away from your problems.' y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. Kate frowns clenching her jaw ‚did you just roll your eyes at me? Again?' ‚what you're gonna do about it?' y/n starts smirking, which immediately fades when she sees Kate staring into her soul and starting to walk closer to her. ‚don't you dare come near me' kate trapped y/n against the kitchen counter ‚since you don't wanna talk to me why don't we put that mouth of yours into good use?' ‚fuck you' y/n spat before crashing her lips on Kate's

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