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third person pov

Wanda wakes up when she feels Nat peppering kisses all over her face. When she turns to kiss Nat she remember her baby sleeping on top of her. 'We need to wake up now, the mission' says Nat right before they hear a knock on the door. Y/n starts to wake up. She whines while Nat goes to open the door. The younger woman try's to calm y/n down while listening to who is on the door.

Nats pov
I open the door to see the star spangled man (a nickname reinvented by y/n) standing in the hall and looking impatiently at me. 'What's the matter Steve' He signs and starts to massage his temples 'Nat its 6, we wanted to go at 7' Today is the day of our mission in Lagos, the first fed says our baby will be without Wanda and me. 'Chill Steve we have enough time' 'But Nat-', before he can finish his sentence I close the door and turn around.

Third person pov
Nat has a look if worry on her face while she walks to her girlfriend. The to of them share a good-morning kiss. Nat turns to kiss y/n but sees her asleep again on Wanda's lap. 'Do you think she can make this? I mean she never was without us for that long', Wanda asks with worry on her face. Nat cups Wanda's face and gives her a kiss on the head to assure her that everything will be fine. 'Pepper is here to look after her and Vision and Rhody will also be here in a few hours.', Nat tells more to herself than Wanda. 'You're right'

After a while it's 6.50 and Wanda and Nat keep being interrupted by Steve. 'Steve I swear to good, if you knock at that fucking door one more fucking time i will smash your head with a peanut butter sandwich.' Y/n starts giggling 'Mommy sad a no no word' Nat spins around to the obviously not sleeping y/n. 'You're up', Nat says before looking at the death stare of Wanda. For a short moment her eyes start glowing red. A sudden rush of panik overcomes Nat. She backs away from Wanda. Y/n is still giggling on the bed while she watches the interaction. Wanda walks towards Nat and Nat keeps to walk backwards until her back hits the door. 'Wanda I swear I didn't now she was awake. I bet she doesn't even remember what i said' 'Oh I think she does'., answers Wanda before she places both of her hands on each side of Nat's head.

Before Wanda could do anything there is a knock in the door. Nat spins around furious 'what the fuck steve, remember what i told you?' she opens the door to see steve with pepper behind him. 'please don't kill me, cap dared me', says sam before hiding behind pepper. y/n starts laughing because sam act like a baby.

'oh you find that funny? wanna see what the tickle monsters has to say about that?' asks sam while looking at y/n with a smirk. 'oh fuck' says y/n while hiding behind a pillow. wanda spins around to nat and throws her out of the room and into the hallwall. nat stands up while rubbing her back 'i deserved that' 'yes you did', answers wanda while walking past her with a smirk. they hear steve shout for them and all three, wanda, nat and sam, starts walking to the jet before saying goodbye to y/n. 'guess it's only you and me now', says pepper while sitting in the bed next to y/n.

'When's Mommy conning back?', asks y/n between sucking in her bottle, despite the fact that she would prefer Wanda more (who wouldn't) Pepper stops doing the laundry and sits on the couch next to y/n. She stocked the littles head while thinking if an answer. 'Your Mama and Mommy are coming back soon, I promise' 'Ok' was the only response Pepper good.

A while later Pepper was feeding y/n some muched potato's. 'Aunty Pepper?' Pepper cleaned y/n mouth before answering 'what's up honey?' 'mommy sa'd you on bre'k wif uncle 'ony' Pepper concentrates in not letting her tears slip. 'Yeah, we aren't on good terms right now, but everything will turn out fine, i promise' Y/n nods satisfied with her answer.

After dinner pepper cleaned her and changed her into a pyjama. The two of them sat on the couch watching tv, because y/n couldn't sleep. 'Aunty Pepper want 'ilk, pwease' Pepper starts smiling at the sight of the girl with the biggest puppy eyes in the world begging for her milk. She stands up and leaves the living room to get some milk. 'fraiday, can wou play mommy?' the AI answers 'Live News about the Black Widow starts playing' On screen there are seen big buildings on fire and multiple injured people. Y/n catches the sight of her Mommy. She sees how Nat holds a pitiful looking Wanda while she stares at the big building in flames. She climbed off of the couch and sits in front of the TV. 'Aunty Pepper there Mommy and Mama' Pepper walks back into the living room and drops the milk at the sight of the screen. She runs to y/n and picks her up before bringing her home in her room. 'Aunty Pepper what's happning?' 'Don't worry Honey, everything will be ok. I prom-. I want you to sleep now. Goodnight Honey.' Pepper says before giving y/n a kiss and leaving the room.

The next day y/n wakes up felling more little than usually. She starts sucking on her thumb. She knows better than to try to climb out of the crib, despite the fact that her diaper is soaked. Normally Wanda or Nat are waking her and changing her right after so she doesn't have to feel the wetness. The thought of her Mommy makes feel her bad. In the period of a few seconds she starts bawling her ears out. Pepper rushes into the room. She changes her. But after that y/n still hadn't stopped crying. She places her on her hip and starts singing a song but nothing helps except for- 'Mama', y/n makes grabby hands when she sees her Mama walking into the room. Wanda rushes to her and kisses her a dozen times. Wiping her littles tears and then her own.

Pepper sees the state of all of them. Sam, Steve, Nat and Wanda are still in their suits with a lot of dust and blood over them. She has eye contact with Nat. 'Are you o-' Nat interrupted Pepper 'Was she good' Pepper signs and decided to leave the topic. She watches as Nat stiches her arm. 'She was great, very polite' a bit quieter she added' but I think something is up with her, she senses that something is wrong. You should talk to her Nat' Nat looks at Pepper before nodding.

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