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'suit up'
'mom?' 'yes sweetheart' 'do we have to fight her too?' wanda grabs y/n face and kisses her forehead. 'girls you coming?' clint asks. wanda nods before steve interruptes 'no. y/n is coming with me. we need her as a distraction for stark and especially nat.' 'you okay with that baby?' y/n nods before walking with steve outside to the helicopter. steve looks at the helicopter while y/n looks up and watches tony and rhodey land. black panther jumps over a truck while tony and steve discuss. 'captain' 'your highness' ... 'you're after the wrong guy' tony looks at him 'your judgment is askew' nat appears 'steve. you know what's about to happen. do you really wanna punch your way out of this one.' tears start to build in y/ns eyes when she hears nat's voice. cap stares at tony. 'underoos' spider-man shoots a web stealing caps shield and binding his hands. 'you've been busy' 'and you've been a complete idiot. dragging in clint and wanda... kidnapping y/n. i'm trying to keep... i'm trying to keep you from tearing the avengers apart.' 'you did that when you signed.' y/n answers finally turning around and looking at nat making her want to slip. nat looks at y/n 'babygirl it's not to late. you can still stop.' y/n whispers in her ear pierce 'mom. i think i'm gonna-' wanda interruptes over comes 'y/n don't listen to her you're not gonna slip.' she concentrates and listens to the ongoing conversation. 'all right we're done. you're gonna turn barnes over, you're gonna come with us now, because it's us-'

steve interruptes 'now' y/n hears the signal and lets a wave of blue energy go. they all fall to the ground. nat looks at y/n hurt. cap holds his wrists up. hawkeye shoots the webber. tony flies to wanda and clint while black panther runs to sam and bucky. 'hey mr stark what should i do?' spider-man asks over come. 'get y/n but don't hurt her.' spider-man shoots a web at y/n binding her to the ground. she smirks at spider-man when her eyes starts do glow blue and the webs starts to burn. she flies in the air and lands behind spider-man. they do hand to hand combat until y/n does nat's move and throws spider-man to the ground. 'wow your powers are so cool. i get why you're called spider-man' he struggles to get up. 'i know right. and yours are awesome. and you're fighting skills are so cool. like a mini widow.' y/ns smile changes to a sad one. she looks over the battlefield and sees ant man fighting her mom. she also spots wanda throwing cars at tony. she sees bucky struggling and wanted to help him when she sees a web around her. she's not able to move her arms when spider-man jumps with her from plane to plane. a missile from rhodey fighting cap destroys the web making y/n fall to the ground. 'shit' tony flies to y/n seeing her on the ground. nat walks up to them. 'go tony it's okay.' 'you sure nat?' she nods and looks at y/n. tony leaves and y/n starts smirking. y/n blows nat away with a blue energy wave and then flies to wanda. tony lands next to nat and helps her up 'is this part of the plan?' 'well my plan was go easy on them. wanna switch that up?'

team cap runs to the quinjet. they stop when a line made by vision who is hovering above them appears. 'captain rogers. i know you belive what you're doing is right. but for the collective must surrender now.' meanwhile team iron man landed in front of them. 'what do we do cap' 'we fight' nat cocks her head 'this is gonna end well'. the two teams run forwards each other. 'they're not stopping' 'neither are we' cap blocks a punch as ironman lands. hawkeye fires an arrow at vision. war machine flies of to falcon and bucky trades blows with black panther. spider-man swings through the air struggling to avoid wanda as black widow throws ant man.

when she turns around she sees y/n smirking. 'that's how you wanna play babygirl' y/ns smirk disappears. she closes her eyes and concentrates not to slip. y/n and nat battle when y/n pins her down. 'you're still my babygirl right?' 'depends on how hard you hit me' she spins y/n with her legs when she's about to kick y/ns head her foot stops and glows red. 'you were pulling your punches' 'she's my mom. what do you expect' y/n runs to nat and helps her up. 'i'm so sorry mom. does it hurt?' 'no it's okay. i deserved that.' y/n chuckles and nods. they look at each other and hug. after the hug nat grabs y/n face so their foreheads touches. 'can you do me a favour?' nat whispers. she can feel y/n nod. 'please go home.' she lets go of y/n. they look at each other with tears in their eyes. y/n nods again.

y/n runs back to the old car and sits in the drivers seat. she starts the car. she looks in the mirror and sees a figure. she turns around to look at the backseats but doesn't see anyone. when she turns around to look at the front again she sees somebody in the seat next to her. 'no please don't. i don't wanna go. not there. not again. plea-' the figure sticks a needle in her neck. her eyes glow red until they turn blue again and close. they pick y/n up and bring her to a helicopter without anyone noticing.

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