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Y/n's pov

I woke up at 7.00 am at Christmas morning. I open my eyes to see Nat sleeping next to me and Wanda. 'Wa'k up', I say while stroking her cheek. Nat opens her eyes and starts smiling at me. 'Morning babygirl'. She gives me a kiss on my forehead before picking me up without waking Wanda.

Nat places me on her hip while I lay my head in the crouch of her neck. She carries me to my room and puts me on the changing table. She puts a black onesie on me with the red black widow symbol on it. Then she puts me into a red tutu. She smiles and me proudly before whispering something. I start crying when she turns around. I don't want my mommy to g0. While Nat is looking for something in my closet, I sit on my knees and crawl forward. 'Mommy', I giggle happily before I crawl to far.

Mommy turns around and sees me falling from the changing table. She runs to me and catches me before I hit the ground. Mommy is a super Mommy. She looks at me terrified. Tears start to form in my eyes. I made Mommy angry. Mommy sees my sad face and starts to give my kisses all over my face which made me giggle.

Wanda's pov

I wake up without my baby on top of me, nor is my girlfriend were she should be. I start to think about last night. I shouldn't  let my anger get the best of me. Nat's hurt and I will never forget Y/n's scared face.

I walk out of the room to search for Nat and my baby. When I get to y/n's room I can hear her laughing. I smile before opening the door. When I see Nat kissing and tickling y/n I start to smile:'Merry Christmas' Nat looks at me before s smile graced her face:' Marry Christmas' I walk to my girls and kiss Nat before I give y/n a kiss on her head. 'Me'y Chrim's', says y/n happily.

Third person pov

The happy family lies in bed for a while before y/n starts to get impatient. Nat looks at Wanda and than at y/n:'What is it babygirl?' Y/n climbs off Wanda and takes her and Nat's hands. 'Wanna go', y/n whines while pulling on both of the older women's hands. Nat stands up smiling and puts y/n on her hip. She pushes the blond locks of the girl to the side so she can whisper in her ear:'Someone wants presents?' Y/n nods excitedly which made Wanda laugh.

The three woman made their way to the shared bedroom of Wanda and Nat. Nat places y/n on the bed and turns around to take something out of the dresser. Wanda sits beside y/n and covers y/n's eyes with her hands, so that y/n can't see Nat. Y/n tries to move Wanda's hands:'I wan' mommy' Wanda gives y/n a kiss on her head:'Mommy is coming back soon, can you let your pretty little eyes closed for a moment for mama?' Y/n giggles and nods her head yes.

Nat found what she was looking for and sits on the bed opposite Wanda and Y/n. 'You can open your eyes now babygirl', says Nat and smiles at the blond girl. y/n puts her hand on Wanda's and moves Wandas hands away from her eyes.

In front of the girl lay many presents. The one in an odd form catches her eye. She looks at Wanda and Nat beggingly. Nat chuckles while Wanda answers:'You can open them Babe. Their are yours.' Y/n smiles and grabs the one with the odd form. She carefully unpacks it and doesn't tear the gift paper with the Avengers logo on it.

Y/n jumps of the bed and walks out of the room. Wanda and Nat look at each other confused. As Nat was about to go after the girl, y/n walks into the room again with something behind her back. The girl lays two messy wrapped gifts on the bed. The one with the widow symbols in front of Nat and the one with the other one in front of Wanda. She looks at the gifts and than at Wanda. She remembered how perfect her gift was wrapped and feels guilty. 'I sorry Mama. Couldn't do be'er'

Wanda picks y/n up and places her on her lap. Y/n wraps her arms around Wanda's neck while Nat strokes her back. 'We love it babygirl.', said Nat. 'She is right bubba, it means so much to us.'Y/n starts smiling:'open t'en' 'Okay little miss bossy', Nat smiles and takes her gift. The two older women open their gifts and starts smiling when they see the giraffes. Y/n plays with her own baby giraffe:''ow we are a fam'ly' 'Yes we are.', says Wanda and smiles at Nat.

The day is very calm. The three continue to unwrap presents and after a while they gather on the bed to watch the little mermaid. Y/n lies on Wanda, which has her head on Nat's shoulder. After half of the film y/n fells asleep and starts sucking on Wanda's collarbone. Nat notices that:'If you want I can wake her up.' 'No baby that's okay. It calms her down.', Wanda assures Nat. 'Okay', Nat answers while she turns the tv off, 'I think we should sleep now.' The two gave each other a goodnight kiss and fell asleep.

Wanda wakes up when she feels a pull. She sees y/n sucking on her nipple. Wanda directs y/n's head so it doesn't hurt anymore. She strikes the head of her sleeping little and falls asleep again with a big smile on her face.

I'm so so sorry for updating so late. I try to update as much as I can, but it's summer breaks, i'm on vacation rn and i try to meet as often as possible with my friend so.. love u guys haha
btw I saw the black widow movie yesterday and i absolutely love it

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