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nat looks at her baby shocked. who did she call babygirl? y/n sits up and stretches so she can reach nats ear and whispers ‚the red room'

yelena and alexei walk back into the dining room and sit back down. nat stands up with y/n still glued to her side. she hands y/n to yelena and looks at melina. alexi looks at them confused. ‚wait what's going on. what happened?‚ yelena asks: nat?. nat glares down at melina until she stands up and puts her hands up in defence. ,natasha i can imagine your angry.' she looks at melina shocked. ‚angry? no we're way past angry. god i'm so- nat punches melina in the face. alexei and yelena with y/n in her arms jump up from their seats. ‚natasha what are you doing?' asks yelena while alexi looks at melinas bloody nose. y/n walks to her mom and looks at her bloody knuckles. she puts a her hand on nats and closes her eyes. y/ns hand starts glowing. after she releases nat her wound is gone.

yelena looks frustrated at the round. ‚can somebody tell me what the hell happened?' melina answers ‚i called the red room. i'm sorry i had to.' everyone looks at her disappointed. nat grabs y/n on her upper arm and drags her to the kitchen. she hands her a phone and a gun before she sits on a chair and closes her eyes. y/n kneels in front of her and watches a tear roll down nats face. ‚mom what are you doing?' she gets no responds. ‚mom what are you doing' nat opens one eye ‚be quite, i try to contact your mom.' y/n looks at her confused but does as she's told to.

inside nats head:
wanda please, i need you, please say you're there
wanda please im begging you
normally i would be glad to hear you say that, but i guess now is not the right time?
the red room is after us. i'm gonna send y/n to find rogers so they're going to get you out of there, okay?
natasha why does it sound like
a goodbye? because it is. but i will get y/n out of here. don't worry.
but what about you?
i have a plan. don't worry.
natasha i swear to god if you die or something i'm gonna kill you.
i think i have that part covered
im warning you when we see each other i'm gonna throw you of a cliff
can't have that have that happen soon enough. wish it would be in only a minute.

y/n is shaking nats body
mom, mom. we don't have much time. what are you doing. are you meditating or something?

my little sweetheart
talk to you soon my love.

nat (as melina disguised) walks y/n to the back door. you now what you have to do, right? ‚don't worry mom. i'm gonna find meet up with popsicle then we're rescuing mom and the others and then we can live happily ever after. nat chuckles and kisses y/n head whispering ‚i whish' before turning around and closing the door.

y/n runs into the woods. it's almost dark. a few minutes later she can barely see her hand. she runs until she sees a light. walking closer to the light she discovers a bus station. she sits on the bench and breathes.

a few days later
y/n walk out of the plane and onto the gate. she walks across the airport. she finds a door with a sign on it ‚stuff supplies' after checking that nobody's looking she walks into it and closes the door behind her. she sits on a buck and clicks on the only contact in the phone her mother gave her.

nat is everything okay.
y/n chuckles. wow you sound worried rogers
kid? where are you? are you okay, where's your mom?
steve calm down.
call down? i think i'm having a heart attack.
could be possibly old men but you can't die on me your boyfriend would never forgive me.
didn't know you can hear eye rolling through a phone
where are you y/n and where natasha?
yeah about that...
i'm at a airport
which airport and where is nat?
she's taking down the red room
by herself?
which air port are you at?

y/n walks out of the room closes the door behind her, when she turns around she runs into a girl. the girl is wearing shorts, two different socks and a purple hoodie. she instantly worries and apologises ,sorry, i didn't see you there. let me help you.' don't worry' y/n wants to go to the exits when she hears footsteps behind her. she sighs when the girl finally approached her. ‚what where you doing in there? you don't work here do you. you look younger then me so it would be weird if you'd work here.' ‚i don't work here' the girl is still following her. ‚i saw you. you where on the plane coming from russia. do you have family there our just where there for fun or-' ‚i visited my aunt' ‚that's so cool i always wanted to visit russia.' y/n walks without answering. ‚okay little miss im so mysterious with my black clothes and the cuts on my face, you don't have to talk to me.' , the girl says. y/n stops abruptly so the girl walks into her. she closes her eyes and all her cuts disappear before she turns to the taller girl. she stands on her toes to get nearer to the girls face, resulting in the girls cheeks getting red. ‚okay miss i only eat half the pizza because i don't eat the crusts, what do you want.' the girl looks at her speechless. ‚just wanted to say that you're cute' y/n smiles before leaving her behind and walking to the exit. the girl calls behind her ‚my name is kate btw kate bishop.' y/n stops pushing the doorknob down turns around an smiles. ‚i know.'

she walks outside to the same shabby car steve picked her up a few months ago. smiling she walks to the car when somebody grabbed her arm. she throws the person over her shoulder and looks at kate shocked. ‚kate bishop what are you doing. i could've seriously hurt you.'
kate stands up and runs her back in pain. y/n glares at steve who's trying to hide his laugh.
‚i just wanted to know why you know all the stuff about me.' ‚your name?' y/n asks. kate nods. y/n shows kate the bandage with her name on her backpack. she turns around and walks to steve. she sits in the seat next to him and gets hugged. ‚don't go all sentimental on me now rogers.' steve smiles ‚i would never'
kate shouts trough the open window ‚and how do you know i don't eat the full pizza.' y/n smiles at her ‚just a good guesser. btw you still have tomato sauce over your lip.' y/n smiles before steve drives of. kate looks at the car ‚see you' before hearing her mother call ‚honey we have to go if you don't wanna be late for the archer tournament.' .coming mom'

steve looks at y/n ‚what was that all about?'
y/n looks at steve. 'sorry forget i asked. so wanna go safe your mom'

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