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a grocery store at the bottom of a grey building. natasha puts the bag in the back. she drives away. nat drives along a rode at the foot of a mountain while the reporter speaks norwegian 'after the sokovian accords, the hunt is on for the remaining avengers... steve rogers, natasha romanoff and y/n romanoff-maximoff are currently on the run.' parked in the countryside natasha sips a takeaway coffee. she looks across a field toward a trailer. nat walks up to the trailer and opens the door. she goes inside and slowly walks through with a pistol aimed out in front of her. she lowers the pistol as she reaches a glass door. 'you're in my bed. i bet my girlfriend wouldn't like that.' 'i'm... i'm not even under the covers. so your girlfriend should be fine' 'did you get everything on my list?' 'got passports, entry visas, a couple of local driver's licenses. mix and match, you should be able to stretch it to 20 or so identities.' she looks through the stuff and roles her eyes 'fanny longbottom?' 'what?' 'what, are you twelve?' he chuckles 'that is a legitimate name.' they talk for a bit. 'are you okay?' nat smiles sadly at the question. 'why wouldn't i be?' she tries to hide her sadness. 'i hear things. you know, something about the avengers getting divorced... a girlfriend locked away and a missing girl' 'it's fine.' they gaze at each other for a moment. natasha folds her arms. 'and i don't pay you to worry' he shakes his head and walks away. mason stands at the open door for a moment. then goes outside. 'hey, what's all this junk?' 'oh, just some mail and personals from the budapest safe hose.' she looks at him worried. she tries to hide it with discussing over the right pronouncing of budapest. he gives in. 'whatever. i knew you weren't going back there, so i've got someone else in the flat now. if you don't want it throw it in the rubbish.' mason walks across the field. natasha carries a box of mail which contains a few large packages out to the car. 

later natasha opens a bottle of beer and looks at a box of blond hair dye. she talks with wanda through her mind. 'babe you need to calm down. we have everything under control. you will get me out and find y/n.' 'wanda i swear to god if you'll tell me to calm down one more fucking time i will break out of this shit hole  and punch you' wanda sits in her cell starring at the ceiling with tears in her eyes. she hasn't talked to anyone but nat since the arrest. 'nat please. i need you to not loose your mind. everything will turn out fine.' nat throws the empty beer bottle and a wall. she sits on the couch frustrated with her head in her hands. 'you don't know that. we have no clue where she could be' a tear slips from wanda's eyes. 'i will talk to you soon. they're taking us to the shower. i love you' 'love you too'

in this moment the lights go out 'oh great' outside natasha tries to start the generator. she scoffs and sits in the car. nat lets her head sink to the steering wheel before she drives along the road. she turns left onto a bridge. a missile hits the car it flies until it's dangling on the edge. a black car drives up. the taskmaster slowly walks towards natasha. she desperately tries to free herself from her position. 'i'm pretty sure ross has no jurisdiction here.' she gets into the back. 'and you should know i'm a better shot when i'm pissed off.'

natasha slowly looks around. holding the shield taskmaster jumps over her and lands in front of natasha, who never misses the shield. taskmaster kicks natasha's gun out of her hands. they both do the typical move and  land on the ground. they both spring up to a kneeling position nat stares at the dark reflective mask. 'i know where she is.' natasha watches at taskmaster confused. they both look at the open case with the red gas. 'you're not here for me' she pulls out a knife and attacks taskmaster. they fight until taskmaster punches her. she flies a few feet landing on her back. they fight until taskmaster kicks her off of the bridge and lands in the water below. natasha struggles through the water. she lies on the grass and pulls out a red glowing bundle with two pictures in between. 'oh, shit'


yelena opens the door to the safe house. she places the sleeping y/n on the couch and sits next to her. yelena exhales and then watches y/ns thigh. she carefully wakes her up. when y/n opens her eyes tears start to form 'lena i wan' mommy and mama' yelena shushes her while cleaning the wound. 'can you tell me where mama or mommy are?' truth is y/n doesn't know. she shakes her head no. yelena sighs. 'okay маленький паук. you need to sleep and than we will make a plan. okay? but first you need something to eat.' y/n nods and smiles at her. she makes grabby hands and smiles when yelena picks her up. she lays her head in the crouch of yelena's neck and starts playing with the blond hair. yelena caresses her back smiling and prepares the food.

after y/n eats an acceptable amount she picks her up and brings y/n to the bed.  she puts her down and lays next to her. yelena looks at y/n and starts to sing her song. y/n and yelena sing together. so bye-bye, miss american pie
drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singing' "this'll be the day that i die
this'll be the day that i die"
yelena whispers the next line as she sees y/n asleep. she closes the door and walks back into the kitchen.

yelena hears somebody quietly unlocking the door. she looks at the closed door where y/n sleeps in. yelena takes the gun which is next to the half eaten mac n cheese from y/n. 'i know you're out there.' she waits for an answer and smiles sehen she hear the muffled voice of her sister 'i know you know i'm out here.' yelena hears how she goes inside and prepares herself for the confrontation. 'then why are you skulking about like it's a minefield?' 'cause i don't know if i can trust you.' nat looks at an open door stored with weapons and at a closed one. she wants to go inside the room when she hears her little sister chuckle 'funny, i was going to say the same thing.' natasha scans the room 'so, we gonna talk like grown-ups?' 'is that what we are?' natasha finds yelena in the livingroom. the farthest room from y/n. the sisters aim their pistols at each other. nat walks closer and yelena backs towards the kitchen. nat sees the half eaten mac'n cheese and the sippy cup. her thoughts are interrupted when yelena speaks up 'put it down before i make you.' 'you put yours down.' yelena backs off and stumbles. 'watch your step.' yelena chuckles softly. they fight until nat forces yelena down into the sink. 'stay down' yelena smashes a plate over natasha's head. she throughs natasha into the living room. they stare at each other as they slowly get to their feet. yelena gets a large kitchen knife and starts walking towards natasha who grabs an item. they fight u til they grab each other and wrestle. a few seconds later they both lie on the wissen floor pulling on the curtain trying to strangle the other.

natasha sees her little sister struggle and holds her hand up 'truce' they each let go of the curtain. natasha stares at yelena. 'want to explain why there is a half eaten child's meals on the table?' yelena roles her eyes and cover her face. nat looks at her desperately 'so?' 'at the red room. i kind of took custody for a girl. she's like my little sister.' nat looks at her. wanting more information. 'she's a little.' nat smiles at her sister. 'you've grown up' 'no shit. follow me'

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