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We both walk into Wanda's and mine bathroom leaving Wanda in y/n's room.

As we walk down the hall to my room, I see y/n having difficulty walking and starting to stumble. I smile at her as she defiantly sits on the floor. I look down at her and wonder what I should do. I don't want to overstep. 'Should I carry you?'   

Y/n's looks up at me in surprise before hesitantly hold up her hands. I pick her up and place her on my hip. I go with her to my bathroom and but her the bathtub after throwing her clothes in the laundry basket.

'If you need something just call me I'll be waiting outside' Y/n looks at me desperately. 'S'ay' I smile at her and crouch down by the bathtub. After washing her hair, I lift her out of the tub and wrap her in a bathrobe that is way to big. I put her on the bed and smile at her sleepy face. I rub the hood over y/n's wet curls and get a cute giggle.

Wanda's pov

After throwing the sheets in the washing machine, I go to my and Nat's room. I walk into the room and hear y/n's sweet laugh. I lean against the door frame and watch my girlfriend tickle the little y/n.

After a while I sit in front of y/n and brush her blond curls out off her face while Natasha gets up and walks to our closet. 'The bathrobe looks massive on her we absolutely have to go and buy her a new one' Nat agrees with me before she takes the right clothes out of the closet. She throws my hoodie and sweatpants at me and grins at me as it flies into my face. 'I didn't see that coming' I examine the clothes and then look at y/n, who is almost asleep. I help her put the clothes on and help her in a comfortable sleep position. Nat lies down next to her while I go to y/n's other side so she doesn't fall out of bed.

As I lay down y/n climbs on top of me and nuzzles her head in my neck. She mumbles something about Nat and grabs Nat sleeve tight. The readhead slides closer to me. She lays her head on my shoulder and her arm around y/n. I kiss y/n's head and than Nat's. 'Goodnight my two favourite girls' Nat smiles at me and kisses my cheek before replying. 'Night Wanda, night y/n' I close my eyes when I hear a small ^g'nighd^ coming from the little ok too of me.

I close my eyes and open them when I feel a little suck on my collarbone. I see y/n alleging and meanwhile suckling on my skin. I smile to myself and fall asleep next to the two most important persons in my life.

Y/n's pov

I wake up on top of Wanda, her arms around my back. Natasha also put an arm around me. how can I get into my room without waking a russian master assassin and a sokovian witch up. I decide to take all my college and try. I slip out of Wanda's tight grip and walk to the door.

I suddenly hear voice calling. 'Where are you going little Missy?' Wanda's loving eyes make it harder to not slip so I decided to look down at my feet. 'Sweetie were are you going' Great I also wake Natasha. I don't look at her but I hear the disappointment in her voice.

I fidget with Sharon's ring while i think about my answer, suddenly I have an idea. 'Maria told me to call her. See you later guys' Before they have the chance to answer I go out of the room and close the door behind me. When I arrive in the hallway, I lean against the door and take a deep breath. I decide to go to my room and actually call Maria. After a few rings she answers the call.

'Hey y/n honey what's wrong?' What's wrong? I tell you what's wrong. 'What are Natasha and Wanda?' After a short silence Maria speaks up again. 'Y/n what do you mean?' 'Don't bullshit me Maria, you know exactly what I mean' 'Y/n listen, Wanda and Nat are searching for a little since I know them and that is a long time' Before Maria gets the chance to explain herself I throw my mobile phone against the wall and lean agains my bed crying.

After what feels like for ever I hear a hesitant knock on my door. 'Come in' I roll my eyes and throw my head behind when I see Natasha and Wanda enter a room.

'Hey' Nat walks closer to me. I look behind her at Wanda. Wanda has a plate with a sandwich on it in her hand. I get up and take a step away from the readhead. 'What do you two want here?' Nat is the first one to answer my question. 'We thought you should eat something' 'She's right, you haven't eaten in at least 24 hours' I roll my eyes at them, even if it breaks my heat to see them so disappointed. 'I'm not hungry' I want to leave the room when Natasha grabs my wrist. 'You have to eat something'

I free my arm from Nat's grip and look up at them both angrily. 'I'm not your Sweetie, i'm not your Honey and for sure i'm not your little. And you are not my moms. Just leave me alone, it's best for all of us' I have tears in my eyes and so does Wanda. Natasha decided to speak up. 'We care about you' Her words make me to want slip even more. Before any of them can say another thing I walk out of the room and into the kitchen.

The day goes by and I avoid Wanda and Natasha the whole time. In the evening J can't take it anymore. I rund to the room of the to women with tears streaming down my face. I softly knock. When I don't get an answer I sit down on the floor and keep crying. After a few minutes Wanda opens the door. She smiles at me sadly. I make grabby hands and she picks me up.

Wanda puts me on the bed between Natasha and herself. 'I-I s'rry' Wanda makes a little ^aww^ and Natasha speaks up. 'You don't have to be sorry Babygirl' Even if I don't want to admit it I like the name. I cross my arms and push my lower lip out. 'I not a baby. I big 'irl' Wanda strokes my cheek and smiles at me. 'Of course you're a big girl baby' Natasha aliases my hand after admiring her pouting little. 'I think we should sleep now' I crawl on top of Wanda again. I don't want Nat to leave so I interlock my hand in her red curls. Nat and Wanda smile at me before drifting off to sleep. Without realising I begin to suck in Wanda's collarbone before my sleep gets the best of me.

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