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When Steve got off the phone with Tony he walks out of his apartment. Hes driving his motorbike to his location westviev. Before he can turn left to the main road with the sword location he's almost hit by a car sprinting by. The car slams the brakes ending up with an high pitched squeaky noise. Steve jumps off the motorbike watching tony who practically parked his car in the middle of the road walking out of his car. He slams the door and looks at Steve before they walk to the base. ‚Sir you are not authorised to be here.' ‚im fucking iron man' he pushes the man to the side when they are approached by another man. The man gives tony a hand to shake ‚im Tyler Hayward acting director of sword. I'm leading this operation' Steve shakes his hand ‚nice to meet you sir' tony doesn't ‚i don't care who the hell you are. What've you got?' he nods and leads the men to a girl watching tv. He motions to the tv ,that we've got' tony and Steve stand on either side of the girl looking at the screen. Tony talks to no one in particular ‚what the hell am I looking at' the girl answers ‚currently the end of episode two' the men turn to her questioningly. While darcy fills them in the second episode is streaming in the background.

Wanda and Nat return home. ‚You were tremendous glamour' ‚as we're you illusion' they both chuckle. Admiring the trophy wanda sighs in relief sitting on the couch. ‚I don't now what i was so worried about. It wasn't so hard fitting in after all.' nat sits next to her on the couch ‚and all we had to do was be ourselves' she puts her arm around wanda ‚well with a few modifications' ‚and it was all for the children' ‚for the children' ‚well I think the children might need some Popcorn' she stands up to make some when natasha calls her ‚wanda' wanda turns around. They both look at her pregnant belly in surprise. ‚ this really happening?' she looks at her with hopefull eyes. Suddenly nat looks confused. She puts a hand on Wanda's belly. ‚What? No. It can't be?' wanda looks at her now also confused ‚what do you mean?' ‚it isn't possible that you're with child. We're women. You can't be having my child.'  ‚ this really happening?' she looks at her with hopefull eyes. ,Yes my love. It's really happening' they go in to kiss but suddenly hear a loud noise. Nat looks angry ‚if it's that damn tree again I'm going to rip it out by it's roots' wanda follows her wife outside we're they walk down the front path. ‚I don't see anything.' nat looks at her ‚well I heard something' they step on to the side walk. Wanda stands protectively in front of natasha when they turn towards the noises. Nat steps closer to wanda ‚what is that? Wanda?' they watch a man climb out of the hole. ‚No.' the view rewinds to wanda gazing down at nat. ‚ this really happening?' she looks at her with hopefull eyes. ,Yes my love. It's really happening' they kiss. After they kiss wanda gasps. She caresses nats cheek and looks at nats skins turning her normal couler again. ‚Natasha' with a smile wanda turns around to see colour spreading across the walls. With a smile she turns to natasha again who also smiles. They both chuckle looking at each other before they kiss again. 

Inside Natasha's and Wanda's house a doctor is listening to the baby with his stethoscope. Natasha sits next to wanda as the doctor listens to her pregnant belly. ‚Jup. Definitely pregnant.' wanda chuckles lightly ‚well that much we figured' ‚well it's kinda taken us by surprise. It was very suddenly. I mean very. Practically overnight.' wanda lays a hand on her wife's leg to stop her from talking to much. Wanda claps her hands while standing up ‚well we're just tickled pink, or blue' nat looks at her ‚or pink'  wanda smiles and repeats ‚or pink' the doctor looks at them ,you're about for months now is that right.' natasha shakes his head then joins wanda in nodding. ‚I thought as much' wanda chuckles lightly when the doctor compares the baby with fruits. ‚hypothetically speaking what fruit would at be at mhm let's say twelve hours.' he looks confused' ‚pardon? Twelve hours?' wanda looks between the two of them ‚well I think this line of questioning is fruitless' ‚hypothetically should we be concerned?' the doctor smiles and puts his hand on nats shoulder ‚hypothetically speaking every new mother-to be gets nervous' wanda smiles at natasha. ‚Well I was trained to don't get nervous so there goes your theory doctor' ‚natasha why don't you see the doctor out?' ‚yes. Thank you so much for dropping by doctor nielson.' wanda looks at her tummy and starts smiling. Natasha goes back inside ‚strangest thing just happened with herb outside' she looks up to see wanda turn around ‚woah nelly. Wanda you are huge' ‚excuse you?' ‚sorry I mean I just you're-have you gotten bigger?' ‚have I?' nat walks over to catch the papaya wanda didn't see ‚i can't tell from this angle'

Wanda walks into the nursery seeing natasha curse at parts of the crib. Wanda walks to her and turns the instruction nat was holding upside down around. ‚Maybe you can try it that way?' people chuckle ‚wanda did you hear that?' ‚Maybe you can try it that way?' nat chuckles ‚what would I do without you.' 'i know you wouldn't build a crib' wanda uses her powers to float together the pieces of the crib. In a rocking chair nat reads to wanda from a book. ‚Nesting, the overwhelming urge during pregnancy to clean, Organizer and prepare the house for the baby' ‚see you're an expert already. You've got nothing to worry about. Plus we already did that so how hard can it be' ‚well nothing to worry about outside morning sickness, mood swings, sucking back and feet. Darling you should probably sit down.' she stands up and walks next to wanda. ‚Don't be silly all I feel is excitement, happiness and...' she looks surprised the looks down at her tummy. Nat looks concerned ‚kicking? Already?' ‚oh it's such a strange sensation. It's kind of fluttery' she gasps in surprise when the butterflies hanging above the crib start flying away. ‚oh did I do that? I didn't mean to' nat takes a look in her book ‚kicking. that means you're about six months now. Oh boy I thought your brother was the one with super speed'

Wanda sits on the couch eating fruits. She holds the fruit bowl in one hand and plays with nats curls with her other hand. Nat has her head on Wanda's lap and reads in her pregnancy book. After a while she closes the book at puts it in the coffee table. She turns around to lay on her stomach and smiles at Wanda's belly. She talks in a baby voice ‚i can't wait to meet you little fanny' she kisses Wanda's belly. Wanda stops playing with nats her ‚fanny?' nat sits up ‚yeah?' ‚well I was thinking y/n. Just a nice classic all-American name.' ‚hmm, y/n. Hmm, yeah. Yeah. Then there's Fanny, isn't there? Named after Fanny Kaplan.' ‚well I guess there's only on solution for this debate. Hope for a boy' ‚well we ought to decide soon. I estimate the baby's due-' wanda rolls her eyes lovingly while eating her fruit ‚it's not a constant progression, assumingly logarithmic, but were i to graph the feral development thus far-' ‚she's gonna be here before you figure this out' ‚nearest i can conclude is that Fanny-' ‚y/n' ‚hmm. Is due either today- no that can't be. She's due Friday afternoon' ‚in three days?' she gasps ‚maybe I should sit down'

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