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I chew on my pencil, then my front door to my office opens. It's Tobias, I thought he was on a mission today.

"Hey" he says

"What's wrong?" I say

"We have a problem" he says

I just stare at him in nervousness.

He pulls me outside of the building in ally, I cross my arms and then he leans against the wall.

"Tobias what's going on?" I ask

"Last night, someone reported a murder in a apartment and well" he says

"Well what?" I ask

"Melody was murdered" he says

"What?" I say

"Yeah, she was found dead when her mother came to visit her and there was a puddle of blood" he says

"Do you know what happened?" I ask

"I don't know if she was shot or stabbed but all we know she was murdered" he says

"Oh my god" I cry

I lean against the wall and little sobs come out of me like a dying animal. I'm breaking again, I am I am. Please don't again, oh please not again. This isn't right, we need a peaceful society to get away from war. No more murder just peace. But that's not possible we can't have a peaceful society that's not life. We can have a stable society but not a peaceful.

"I can't do this anymore" I say

"Can't do what?" He asks

"Living like this, I thought we could have a peaceful society but I'm wrong" I say

"Tris no you are not" he says

"Yes I am, we can have a stable one but not peaceful" I say

"Yeah we can't have an entirely peaceful society but we could have a stable, we just need to give it some time" he says

"Yeah..." I sigh

Tobias rubs his hand on my back in a circular motion, I burry my head into the pillow. Sometimes I think it's important to have a moment of silence then not to.

"Tris you haven't talked to be all night, are you still upset from today?" He asks

"Yes Tobias I am!" I scowl

"Okay you didn't have to scowl at me" he says

"I'm sorry, it's my time of the month Tobias" I say

"Really Tris, you had to bring that up" he says

"Sorry" I laugh

I turn my head so I'm facing him, he puts a thumb on my cheek. I rest my hand on his neck. Then he brushes his lips with mine and then finally fits his mouth to mine. Then I break away and put my forehead to his.

"You know we can't live like this" I say

"What do you mean?" He says

"We just can't" I say

I wake up from a sound of banging on my door, I pull of my covers and walk over to the door and open it. I find its president York and her "crew".

"President York what an honor, what are you doing here?" I say

"Beatrice, you and Tobias have some things we need to talk about" she says

"Of course, come in" I say

I open the door wider so they can come in, they walk through the doorway. They sit down on the couch, then Tobias walks into the living room rubbing his eyes.

"Tris what's wrong?" He says

"We have visitors" I say

His eyes widen, then he walks over to the other couch and sits down and so do I. President York folds her hands and has a strange look on her face.

"I know what you two were planning with Melody" she says

"You do?" I ask

"Yes, and I'm willing to help you with it" she says

"Really, are you serious?" I say

"Yes, I'm willing to help Evelyn and Ariana get back home" she says

"Thank you so much" I say

"Your welcome, come by my office tomorrow and I'll explain the details" she says

I'm going to save Ariana and Evelyn...

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Sorry if the chapter was short and that I have not been updating lately, I have been so busy with school.


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