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It's all my fault, it's all my fault.

We're never getting out of here because of me. I was so careless to leave the serum there. He must hate me now, my own fiancé. I feel so alone now. Tobias is sleeping but we slept in separate beds. I get up from the bed and walk up to the mirror. I look at myself and how much I have changed.

I'm a monster, I am not a hero.

I automatically fall to my knees and start to sob. It's all my fault everyone is dead. I'm suppose to be strong, why ain't I? Tobias gets up from the bed and sits down next to me and comforts me.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I start to sob more and he comforts me by putting his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I left the serum it's all my fault I'm a monster" I cry.

"Tris you're not a monster, you made a careless mistake but I don't hate you" He saids. I wipe the tears off my face. "I'm suppose to be strong Tobias, I can't be strong" I say. He puts a finger up to my chin. "Tris you are strong, people cry because they have been strong for too long" he saids. I smile at him, he does think I am strong but I don't see it in myself, well not right now...

"Cmon lets go back to bed" he saids. I nod and we both get under the covers. He puts his hand over my hip while he breathes in my neck which makes my neck tickle. I soon close my eyes and fall asleep.

The guards take us down the hallway to that room again. We're we discuss terrible things. I hate that room, I hate it. I sit on my chair and Samuel comes into the room clapping. "Good Morning my fellow prisoners" he claps. I roll my eyes because this guy is such an asshole. An asshole. "Okay what do you want today from us?" I say.

"I'm going to take you on a little field trip" he smiles. I turn my eyes at Tobias and he gives me a strange look. "A field Trip?" I ask.

"Well of course, didn't you go to those in school?" He asks. "Yeah like visiting factions, and I went to the fence to tour in dauntless initiation" I say.

"Well today your going to visit some convergents and let them see the real you and also you too Tobias" Sam saids. Convergents, how many are there in this town. This is going to be torture to see them and how they are.

"We will always be better people then you will ever be" I say. He just laughs at me. "I have shown them footage of you two to show that you are awful people and now they think you are the worst" he saids. Why is he doing this? "Why'd it had to be us?

"Alright let's get ready" he saids.

They handcuff us while walk into a broken building of people. It reminds me of the factionless but on the really pour side for the ones who lived on the streets. "This way" the guard scowls. The guard puts Me and Tobias in the middle of the room. They all start to realize us. The people are very pale and very skinny, this is what convergency does to people. It eats your insides like it to me but I was cured.

"Get away from us" someone screams. My heart starts to beat fast, there terrified of us. "You are monsters, you should be dead!" Another person screams

"Why won't you help us, don't you see were dying" a girl saids. I realize she is my age, she reminds me of myself, she actually looks healthy but I can tell she is getting sick. "I want to, but I don't have the serum with me" I say.

"Why not, I found out a week ago I was convergent and I'm slowly dying" the girl saids.

"I'm sorry, I used to be Convergent too" I say.

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