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AN//: I'm sorry if this chapter isn't long enough that you wanted to be. These past two weeks are going to be tight. Because I'm busy this weekend and I have to finish my science project. Then next week I need to study for finals which start on Friday and maybe I will be able to update a little more.

Then then on the weekend some of my family is coming in for my grandmas surprise party and I need to study more. Then finally that's the last week of school but their all finals. So I need to study every night to prepare for each one more. I have haft days so I may be able to update small chapters.

So yeah that week is my last week of school. Which is on the 17th is actually my last day so I need to study for all finals. So I will update today and tomorrow is debatable. But don't expect an update.

I have been thinking I will be doing shorter chapters on my stories but not too short like I use too. Then instead of long ones that I did in the school year. Which you had to wait a long time for.

So if I do that I will be able update more. So what do you think should I write shorter chapters so I can update more or write longer chapters which takes more time so you would have to wait for awhile? Leave a comment below.

Okay now let's get back to the story x


I set down the bowl of fruit salad onto our wooden kitchen table. Then I place the eggs on to the plates.

Then finally I pour orange juice into the cups and I set them down onto the table. Tobias walks into the kitchen with bags under his eyes. "Morning sleepyhead," I say.

"Morning," he yawns He walks over to me and then stares at what I made for both of us. "You made that?". I nod at him. "Wow Tris, you know you didn't have to,"

"I know, but I wanted to," I smile. He laughs at me and then kisses my forehead. We both walk over to the table and sit down.

I take a bite of my eggs, and Tobias takes a sip of his orange juice. "I don't feel like going back to work," he whines. "Me neither, but President York gave us a month off and now we have to go back," I say.

Since we got back from the Convergent City. She gave us a month off to recover and almost two weeks ago the Convergents came back and bombed some of Chicago because they wanted to capture us. But of course they failed that mission and I almost died again..

"Yeah, but hey it'll keep us busy to take the Convergents off our mind," he says. I nod and I lay my fork on the plate. He's right, it will but for him. I'm different when something bothers me it sticks to me no matter what unless I know it's gone or its over.

"Yeah, I'm done eating," I say. I wipe my mouth on my napkin. Then I get up from the chair.

I play with the keyboard, with a pencil. I can't focus today I don't know why. So many things we on my mind. I can't just go back to the way it was before. Nothing is the same as it used to be. I know that for sure.

The door opens and I see Tobias holding a brown paper bag. "Hey I brought you some lunch,". I smile and I get out from my chair. He hands it to me and I take a bite of the sandwich.

"You alright," Tobias asks. I nod at him and I throw the paper bag into the trash. "Yeah I'm fine why?" I lie.

"I don't know ever since this morning you have been a little off," he says. I sit back into the chair and burry my face in my hands. "Tobias I'm scared," I say. He gives me a weird look and walks over to me.

"Why?" He asks. He knows that I'm overacting. "I don't want them to come back, I'm breaking," I say. He rubs his hand down my back. "Look at me," he says. I turn my head and he puts his finer underneath my chin. "Tris please," he says. I finally turn my head and he cups my face with his hands.

"I will not let them touch you, your friends, your aunt or me I promise," he says. I smile when he says that. "Thank you," I say.

He kisses my forehead and then holds my hand. "Also I promise we will get married, nothing will stop that."

I nod at him and I burry my face in his neck and he wraps his arms around me. "I love you," I say

"I love you too, we should maybe get back to work," he says. He's right we should I don't want to get in trouble. Because I know that would not end well.

"Okay," I say.

I just how everything will go back to normal soon.

I walk into the living room and I see Tobias on the couch working on some paperwork for work. I lean against the wall and cross my arms. "Hey Tobias?" I ask. He looks up at me. "Yeah?"

"I need to talk to you about something," I say. He motions me to come over. I walk over to the couch and I sit next to him. "I can't do this anymore," I say. He gives me a confused look.

"Can't do what?" He says. I take a deep breath. "I can't do this, I can't stand waking up every day in fear Tobias it's eating me alive,"

"Tris it'll be over soon just hold on." He sighs. I shake my head. "I can't Tobias I have been holding on and it's not working," I say. He cups my face with my hands. "Listen to me Tris, it will,"

I shake my head. I know he's just trying to comfort me. But I need to do what's best not just for me, but for everyone. "I need to go back to the city and get rid of Samuel and I need to help Casey's sister," I say.

He shakes his head at me again. "No I'm not letting you go, I don't want to go through that again, if you go I'm going with you," he says.

"No Tobias, they don't want you they want me and they're probably going to end up killing you, you need to trust me," I say.

He nods at me. "I will but I can't just let you go, I don't want to let you go,". I burry my face in his neck and he wraps his arms around me. "I know, but I need to do this," I say.

"But there's a big chance you could get killed Tris." He says. He's right, I could get killed. But if I don't do this, they may come back here and kill everyone and I can't afford that. "I know, but if I don't come back in a week then something is wrong," I say.

He nods at me. "I'm going with Christina," I say. "Please don't do this, at least think about it," he says.

"Okay I will," I say.

I open my eyes and I check the clock and it says 4 am. I quietly sit up and I put on my combat boots. I'm about to walk out the door but I walk over to Tobias. I kneel down and kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

Then I walk out of our apartment without looking back. Once I reach Christina's apartment. I knock on her door. She opens the door. "Ready?" She asks.

"Ready then I'll ever be." I say. I know I might not survive, I should of told him I was leaving again. But I did it again, I left him in the middle of the night like I did with erudite. But he knows what I'm doing is good. I'm not trying to kills myself, I'm trying to protect everyone.

Because I'm Tris Prior and that's what I do

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Again I'm sorry if this chapter was short. I have been so busy with school!


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