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"It's all because of you were dead!" Someone yells. I sit up on the bed and see Tobias is gone. Huh? Where could he be?

"Huh?" I say. Then someone walks out from the shadow in the room, and it's Al.

"Al" I say.

He doesn't have blood covered on his face, he has cuts all over his body from when he jumped into the chasm.

"I'm dead because of you!" He yells

"She killed me too" a voice saids. I turn my head and see will walk out from the other side of the shadow. He has blood and I can see his wound where from where I shot him.

"Why did you do this to me, I was you're friend and you killed me" Will Saids

"Will I didn't mean to, you were under simulation and I tried to get you out but you were going to shoot me I had to I'm sorry" I say. Then I see Marlene she has the same thing as Al, cuts all over her body. "I'm dead because of you Tris" She saids.

"No no none of these deaths I never wanted to happen I'm sorry" I say.
Then I see Tori walk in to the room, she has a bullet wound. "You left me to die, when I tried to protect you by keeping your secret of being divergent you could of saved me but you thought for your self" Tori yells.

Then I see my parents walk in, they have bullet wounds also. "Sorry isn't enough, your the reason why we're all dead you should be dead for all the people you killed" my mother saids.

I open my eyes and I start to breathe heavy. I'm sweating, I sit up and touch my forehead to collect the remaining sweat. Tobias chuckles and opens his eyes. "You alright?" He asks. I nod and lay back down. "It was just a bad dream, one that I had before" I say.

"Wanna talk about it?" He whispers. I turn so I'm facing him. He puts a hand on my bare hip from where my shirt is riding up a little, he makes my body shiver. "I saw Al, will, Marlene, my parents and more people who died for me or I killed and said it was my fault I was dead and they were covered in blood" I say. He touches my cheekbone and then kisses my cheek.

"You are not the reason you died, it was their choice or it was nothing you could have done Tris just because if they died right beside you" he saids.

"I know, I just have been so strong for so long and I just want to be happy I doubt your happy because I make your life miserable I bet" I say

He shakes his head and takes his thumb off my cheek. "Hey you don't make my life miserable, you made me a stronger person and your the reason I wake up everyday that I'm great full to have you in my life, I love you Tris" he saids.

"I love you too" I say. I give him a quick kiss on his lips, then I lay my head down on his chest. "So much" I whisper.

Then I close my eyes and I eventually fall back asleep, safely.

"So we need to find where they are in the city in a certain building?" Molly asks. Sam nods, and gets a book out from a bookcase and blows off dust on it and puts it on her desk. "These are the cites that have the biggest population of convergents and Evelyn and Ariana are in there but we need to look for a certain number to access the private information" She saids.

I fold my arms across my chest and walk over to the desk. "Do you have those numbers?" I ask. She nods and sits down in the chair. "Yes, there 4579" she saids.

"So the code is somewhere in that big book?" I ask

"Correct, so it's gonna take maybe about a week to find the code in three" she saids.

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