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"Beatrice wake up," A voice says. My eyes open and I croak. I rub my eyes and once I clear vision. I realize it's my Mother standing in my room.

"Mom?" I ask. She smiles at me and I wrap my arms around her. Her hands lay on the top of my back. Giving me warmth and comfort. I can't believe she's actually here. I finally pull away and I sit closer to her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. She lays a hand on my thigh. "I came here to visit you honey, I know your having a hard time and I know how much you need me". I smile at her, she knows what I'm going through.

She is always there for me, because she still loves me even though I made mistakes in the past. She still forgives me because I'm her daughter.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do" I say. She touches the nape of my neck with her hand. "Your going to be alright, you just need to listen to people and no more violence will come to you"

"Yeah but what about those people out there who need help?". She sighs and then frowns. "I know you want to save those poor people but you can't save everyone all you can do is try"

"Try what?" I ask. She gives me a bright smile. "You'll know,". Then she eventually fades.

But what will I know?

I eventually open my eyes, I see the sunlight shine through the window. I stretch and I feel Tobias breathing on the side of my neck.

I turn around and touch his neck. He opens his eyes and then smiles at me. "Morning" he says.

"Morning" I say. He wraps his arm around my waist so he can pull me closer. "So what do you want you want to do today?" I ask. He shrugs, I just love spending time with him we don't always have to do anything.

"Maybe we could go on a picnic we haven't done that in awhile?,". He nods at me and then I kiss his cheek. "Okay we better get ready then,".

I sit up and I run my hands through my hair. Then I get up from the bed and I walk into the bathroom so I can take a shower.

"Ready to go?" Tobias asks. I nod and I grab my jacket. Tobias opens the front door for me and then shuts it.

We walk down the hallway and down the stairs and outside. Tobias reaches for my hand and I interlock my fingers between his.

"So what did you pack for us to eat?" I ask. He turns his head and then grins at me. "It's a surprise,". He always likes to surprise me but I honestly don't like surprises. I rather just know about things because I'm a curious person.

"Ugh why don't you just tell me?" I ask. He shakes his head no and I just roll my eyes. I do love him, but sometimes he can be ridiculous. But that's Tobias Eaton.

And he is mine.

We eventually reach a patch of grass and he brings us underneath a tree so it can block the sunlight out since it's hot outside.

He sets a blanket down and he helps me sit down. Then he sits down next to me and opens the Picnic basket.

He lays out some salads. And two sandwiches. I take a bite of my sandwich. He stares at me and I laugh. "Tobias stop doing that'"

He raises an eyebrow at me and then grins. "Doing what?,". He is trying to act so innocent and has no clue what is going on.

Two can play at that game.

"That staring thing you do," I add. He stares at me even more. "Tobias stop" I laugh. He starts to grin while he is doing. I grab a piece of my salad and I throw at it him.

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