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I keep walking, I don't look back.

Why should I?

I feel so betrayed, my best friends have done this to me. But my own fiancé?

That makes no sense, I would never expect this from Tobias. Never in a million years. But he thinks this is the best for us?

Especially me?

Well he's wrong, he's just putting himself in danger and of course me. Did he not feel he could trust me?

But in this situation he should of told me. Now there's such a greater chance of me dying.

The Convergents are of course after us and we need to get as far away from the beginning in the city.

But the real question, why do they hate us? Even though I had the last of the resurgence serum, they hate Chicago.

Why do they hate us? Was their a big battle before? That I never knew about. Did Chicago hate the Convergents.

But I have learned Divergents are not a threat, Convergents are. They are people full with diseases that never stop spreading. It will continue to spread it'll they eventually get a cure.

But who knows how long that will be.

But it's not their fault the people are Convergent and full with the disease. It was a reproducing malfunction.

This is what happens when people try to mess with genes. You can't change genes of a human being. You have to leave it the way it is and let nature take care of it. If you don't it cause defects and sometimes they will be awful defects and it sometimes will cause death.

But of course our country never learned their lesson. Now look at the way we're living now. Most of the cites are burnt down in ash or have been destroyed.

But I guess that's our punishment

Now I'm in this big mess. I lived in factions and I never knew there was life outside that fence. I studied faction history my whole life and I was lied to.

The only thing that was true that their was a war and destroyed all the living life forms outside the fence. Only some remain. They were wrong there are cites out there and there's tons of people alive.

And I met some of them.

I was in the abnegation attack and I survived. Then I was in a war myself and I survived. Then the war continued and now that's finally over. But now the war I'm in now is different.

I'm not fighting to save people's lives and victory.

I'm fighting for peace and a cure

That's what I will do, I'm not sure how I will end this or how I will start to help. But I will figure a way.

Now I'm being chased by this Convergent guards that are after us. But I don't care right now, I care from being far away from them. I'm tired of living like this.

How can anybody live like this? It's terrible and depressing. But the real answer is its not living it's finding a way to survive.

It's finding a way to survive this terrible war inside of me. That it's consuming me, I have fought it once and I will fight it again. I need to be clean and be pure.

It's like I'm living in dirt and mud. The sun never came out to dry up my tears from the rain. But now I want it to shine and dry them off. I can't just stay here and Mourn over these deaths.

Of course I didn't want them to die, especially the ones I love. But they died for a reason and they know I'm doing the right thing. I know I will see them someday but not now.

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