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Samuel starts to yell, I cough up some water. I hear people walking out of the lab. Someone wraps around me from behind it must be Tobias. He pulls me into his arms. I cry into them. I can tell he's crying too. I almost died and I saved myself. Samuel walks out of the lab pissed. "Okay who unlocked that door?" He saids.

We just look at him, whoever did was a smart person and I couldn't think them enough for that. "Someone answer me!!" He yells.

He wanted me to die, for some reason he hates me. It's probably because he knows I took the last Resurgent serum. Tobias helps me up, his touch makes me shiver. He wipes the tears off my face. "No your going to do it the right way, tomorrow you will do it again" Samuel saids.

"What?" I say. He can't do that, he said if I found a way out I could live, and I did. He wants me to die, of course he does. "You heard me" he saids.

"That is not fair, you said if she found a way out to live and she did it you can just put her back in a place to kill her again" Tobias says. I can tell Tobias is pissed off at him. I would to, if Tobias was in this situation.

"Sorry if it's official" he saids. He crosses his arms. "Samuel, in law of a convergent city in this kind of punishment if they find a way out to survive there's no uprise to that consequence and if you upheld that law you will start a rebellion and we can't afford that" Casey saids.

Samuel looks down at the floor then nods. "Fine, but no more sneaky pranks you understand?" He saids. I nod at him and he start to walks out the room. "Good, now get them out of here" he yells. The guard takes me and Tobias out of the lab and back to our room.

I sit in a corner with my knees against my chest. It's around 10 pm. But I'm not going to bed. There's just too many things to think about. I am not the same person I was two years ago. I honestly don't know what I am. I thought I did.

But that was before I discovered there was life outside the fence and my whole life was a lie. My mother was born in Wisconsin, not Illinois. She never told me anything about that. I never thought my whole life would change like this.

I was just expecting to life a regular dauntless life. But soon I hope this will be all over. I hope it will. Tobias walks up the stairs and sees my in the corner. He walks and sits down next to me.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks. I just shake my head and look away. I honesty don't want to talk to him now or even anyone. It's not his fault, it's mine. He puts a finger underneath my chin and turns my head gently towards him. I just shake my head and look down at the floor.

"Tris" he says. My eyes fill with tears but I clear them up before they come down. "We need to get out of here" I say. He nods at me. "Yeah we do, but we can it'll it's safe" he says.

"Yeah but if we don't get out of here soon and if we don't soon were never getting out of here" I say. He nods at me and wraps his arms around me. "Yeah you're right, but I bet Sam and all the others are just trying to find the right facts and ways to get here so they can save us" Tobias says.

They don't know the exact place the Convergent city is in. They don't know, that's why there taking a long time because they need more proof. "They don't know" I say. He lets go of me gently. "Don't know what?" He asks.

"They don't know the exact place were in, we need to contact them somehow" I say. He shakes his head at me. What does he not think its a good idea? "We can't contact them, that city has no way of contact" Tobias says. I feel like a weight has been dropped on me. We can't contact them.

"Great" I say. He stands up and just looks at me. Then he just shakes his head at me. "I'm sorry Tris, but there's nothing we can do right now we just have to stay put," he says.

"It sounds like you love this place and you don't want to get out" I say. He shakes his head. "No Tris, I'm just saying we need to stay here right now and do what we're suppose to do it'll we know it's safe" he says.

"Tell me if you love this place" I say. He shakes his head again. "No Tris, I don't just stop being an idiot" he says. I look down at the ground. "I hate when you call me that" I say.

"Then stop being one" he says. Tears fill my eyes, I can't he would say that to me, even when I almost died. "I can't believed you would say that to me, even though I almost died an hour ago" I cry.

There are tears streaming down my face, I get up and he grabs my visit gently. "Tris" he says. I let go of his wrist and walk down the stairs.

It has been a hour since I talked to him. I lay on the couch teary eyed. Does he even know what has happened in the past two hours. "Are you gonna stay mad at me forever or what?" Tobias says. I burry my face in the pillow.

"Why, you don't even care" I say. He sits down next to me. He rubs his hand down my back. "Look I'm sorry, I do care I was just trying to make you realize how you were acting but yes those were the wrong words I chose to say" he says.

I sit up and wrap my arms around him. I burry my face in his neck. "That's all what I wanted you to say" I say. I let go and he kisses my cheek. I smile at him, I love him and he loves me too.

They take us to see Evelyn and Ariana today. They want us to talk to them. I look at myself in the mirror. I comb through my wet hair, my hair has gotten longer. It's past my shoulders but it's not long as it was in initiation. I am not the same person anymore.

Tobias knocks on the door. "Tris you ready?" He asks. I set the comb down. "Yeah just one minute" I say. I remember when the last time my mother cut my hair and now since she's gone it hurts. Tears fill my eyes but I let them dry. I open the door and shut the light off. "Ready?" He asks.

We walk down to the cells in the basement, it disgusts me how people have to live like this. The guards bring us to the cell on the last one on the right side of the hallway where the one on the left I broke. "Did you break that cell?" Tobias whispers in my ear. I nod at him. "Nice, your a strong girl" he winks. I smile at him.

I look at them through the glass cell. You can see the hurt in there eyes, and there's no way I can help them out. "Tobias" Evelyn says. Tobias walks up to her. He touches the glass. She looks so skinny, have they not been feeding them? "I'm going to get you out as soon as possible" Tobias says.

Evelyn nods and I see tears in Tobias's eyes. He realizes he loves her. He's her mother and he should forgive her. Ariana walks up to me. "Have they not been feeding you?" I ask. She nods at me. "Yes they only feed us once a week and it's not much" she says. They starving them. This is one of the things Sam meant by they torture them.

The guards walk down the hallway, and start to grab us. "Okay times up" The guard says. I nod, and I take one more glance of them. They walk us up into the elevator. I lean my head on Tobias shoulder. Then I feel something wet drop my face. I see Tobias's is crying, he's hurt. I wipe the tears off his face with my fingers and kiss his cheek.

Then I put my mouth next to his ear and whisper "it'll be over soon I promise,". He nods at me and I wrap my arms around him. He needs comfort and I'll give him comfort.

We can get out of here. I know we can we just need more time. It's cruel what they do to these prisoners. But the city needs help. These people are dying from this disease. It's so painful I know it. Especially teenagers and kids need the most help. I want to help them but they can't. They're all scared of us they think we're the problem.

When it's actually Samuel causing the problems. He only thinks about himself not his city and if he did kill his mother in order to be in power. Well then he is one fucked up person and I think this city deserves better and a new leader.

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I will be updating a new one shot later today, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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