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Why is there blood on the floor? That makes no sense. My father would never abuse my mother. They don't seem like those people.

But someone had to been murdered or even shot. There's no other explanation for this.

The blood is dry so it must have been over from two years ago, on the day of the abnegation attack.

"We have to go to candor" I say. Tobias walks behind me and lays a hand on my shoulder. "You sure you want to?" Candor has the footage of all the city and from all the factions. Even though no one is even there anymore.

"Yeah do you think the building will be locked?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know maybe I guess we will have to see". I nod and I grab the bag of clothes. We walk down the stairs and Tobias walks out the front door.

Before I walk out I turn around and take one last peek at my home. This is where I was born, where I grown up.

It used to be a village of all houses, where people used to live. Where people were happy. They lived a selfless life. Then just one day it was taken away.

Lots of people here were murdered, and their lives where lost. So many children too. They never got to be in a relationship, choose their faction, never got married and never had kids.

Now all of my family is gone. Except for me. Only the memories are left in this house and they stay in the house. But I know my mother is proud of me and so is my father.

They know I'm not killing people for no reason, I'm trying to save them from the bad. They also know sacrifices have to made.

But they also are thankful I tried to keep Caleb alive for so long. But they're all in a better place now. But they're still with me and I will seem them again.


"You coming?" Tobias asks. I nod. He walks out of the doorway. I take one more look, I bite my lip then I smile. I grasp the knob of the door and then I shut it.

No more factions anymore.

The wind blows in my face. I lay against the train wall. The cart bumps, and Tobias touches my shoulder. "You alright?" He asks. I nod at him. I cross my arms and look outside the cart.

"Yeah, it's just someone had to be murdered and I don't know who and it's just bothering me". He puts a finger underneath my chin and pulls my face towards him. "Don't worry we'll figure it out, there has to be an explanation to this" he says.

This is why I love him. No matter what the situation is, he tries to make it better and he doesn't just forget about it. He doesn't forget about it I'll it goes away or we solve it.

"Thank you" I say. He smiles at me and then kisses my cheek. "We'll figure it out"

There is a whole world outside this fence. I have figured that out, and it's beautiful. But some places aren't controlled right and there's violence.

I just wondered what life would have been before the war. It must have been peaceful and better than this. It'll they started to change the genes.

But this is my life and I have to accept it the way it is.

We walk up to the Candor building, I walk up to the door and I try to open it.

Of course it's locked.

"It's locked" I say. He walks up the door and tries to open it. Then he motions me to follow him. We walk around to the back of the building.

We find a couple of doors and he pulls on the door and it opens. We walk through the doorway. It's dark and I look for a light switch on the wall.

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