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My leg shakes, while I wait to be dismissed to go to President York's office, this could be the only chance that we can save them. My Aunt Ariana is the only family I have left, that is actually related to me. I'm not sure about Tobias, he may want to save Evelyn I'm not sure but he should because she's his mother.

"Miss Prior, and Mr. Eaton President York is here to see you now" a Women says

I nod, and then I get up from the chair and we both follow her into a office room.

"Hello Beatrice and Tobias" President York says

"Hi" I say

She walks over to us and both shakes our hands, how formal.

"Please have a seat" she says

I pull out the chair and I sit down on it, Tobias reaches for my hand underneath my table and squeezes my hand.

"I know you are trying to find all the clues to get Ariana and Evelyn back am I correct?" She asks

"Yes" I say

"I've heard about you, when we had factions you two were the rebel Divergents" she says

"Yeah, do you think Divergent is a bas thing? I ask

"Of course not, it's also because I'm Divergent too" she says

"Oh really?" Tobias says

"Yes, but I was very good at hiding it" she says

"Wow that's amazing" I say

"Thank You" she says

"Now, I'm willing helping you saving these people in order you can show there's more cites out there other than Chicago" she says

I nod, then she pulls out a piece of paper from a folder and slides it over to me. I take a look at the paper, it's a letter, that my mom wrote.

"What is this?" I ask

"I know that your mom had a journal, but this letter was to her mother" she says

"She never got to see her again, didn't she?" I say

"Nope, as you know your mother wasn't from Chicago, she was from another city but then went to the bureau for safety and then went into Chicago at your age to see what was going on" she says

"I see" I say

"Her mother is in one of those cites and I though you could give it to her if you could see her" she says

"But I never met her and I never knew what she looks like" I say

"You'll know when you see her, plus she said in this letter she works with the lead government" she says

"Oh okay, I'll bring it to her" I say

"Good" she says

"So how are we suppose to get there?" Tobias asks

"By Trucks and don't worry I have a team" she says

"Okay" I say

"I also asked some of your friends to join and they will go" she says

"Uriah and Christina?" I ask

"Yes" she says

"Thank you" I say

"I want you to sleep her tonight, I have your rooms ready and we leave in two days we already have a plan" she says

I take a bite out my Chicken, and eat in silence, the cafeteria is full of the sound of metal hitting plates.

"Tris?" Someone asks

I lift my head up and I realize it's Christina and Uriah. I sit up and hug her. Then she sets her plate down on the table and sits down next to me.

"Hey, how are you?" I say

"I'm good, how about you?" She asks

"I'm good" I say

"So how's that meat, wasn't it raised in amity? Uriah says

"Oh Uriah, please" I laugh

"Look, I was just asking" Uriah laughs

"Anyways do you know the plan yet?" Tobias says

"No not yet, they are not telling us it till tomorrow" Christina says

"Oh okay" I say

I hear screaming, I open my eyes and I realize it's Tobias. I shake him so I can wake him up. Tobias having a bad dream this is unusual?

"Tobias what's wrong?" I ask

"It was nothing, just a nightmare" he says

"What happened?" I ask

"Tris it's nothing really" he says

"Tobias really tell me" I say

"It was Marcus beating me" he says

"Tobias it was just a dream" I say

"Yeah but it used to be reality and Tris it was like hell when I had to go through that" he says

"Come here" I say

I bring him into a hug and He rests his head on my shoulder. I run my fingers through his hair. It Must has been so awful that he had to go through this.

"You have me now, and I want to let you know I love you so much no one can ever hurt you again like that" I say

"I love you too" he says

He lifts his head and kisses my cheek, I pull the covers over us and then we both lay down and I rest my head on his chest and soon I fall asleep.

"So we will stop there first for our first city" President York says

"Do we have any contact with the other cites?" Christina asks

"No we don't sadly" President York says

"We have the resurgence serum to give to them right?" I ask

"Yes, we have it to give to them so don't worry" she says

"Okay thanks" I say

"Alright everyone that it's for today, I explained the plan now you can go to lunch and get a good nights sleep tonight" she says

I get up from the table and walk out of the room and then Tobias stops me to the side.

"You sure you want to do this, risking your life?" He asks

"Yes I'm sure" I say

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