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About a week ago, Tris told me the real reason why she was upset. Now I know the things she is going through. I want to be there for here, because I am.

But I can't always make her happy, I only can make her happy for a moment. I want to show her that I love her and that I care about her. That I understand what she is going through.

But I'm not her, I can't get her out of this. She's like in trance, that everything she did was her fault. If people died or their was destruction.

But it's not, she did nothing wrong. The reason why people go after is her because she has genes that don't stop her from what is right.

There is something about her, that is great. Something that makes her a wonderful person.

She stops the people who are doing the wrong thing. She wants to save the innocent people. But she doesn't want to just save herself, she just wants to save the people too.

She has a heart, a warm heart that shows affection and love. That is something that a hero is.

I rub my hand gently up and down her back. She breathes heavy when she sleeps. I pull her closer to me, because I don't know what I would do without her.

I think I would lose it.

I care about her so much, even though these past two years have been like hell. But we have stuck together throughout the relationship, we may have out up and downs but we stuck together.

It's like we were made for each other. I think we were. I hear her groan and she opens her eyes. She stretches and then turns over so that she is facing me.

"Morning," she murmurs. I brush some loose strands of her hair out of her face and then I lay my hand on her neck. "Morning," I say.

She scoots over so that she is against my chest. She buries her face into my chest. "I had this weird dream last night," she murmurs . I rub my hand in a circular motion on her back.

"What happened?," I ask. I hear her sniffle. "I saw my mom, and she said that soon everything will get better, and then I saw a flashback of her dying,"

"Tris, she's in a better place now she sacrificed herself because she loved you and she's right soon everything will get better soon," I say. She sniffles more and then she looks up at me.

"Yeah I hope so too," she whispers. I smile at her then I fit my mouth to hers. She kissed me back with more force. Then I burry my face into her neck and she sighs my name.

Finally I pull back and I leave little kisses all around her forehead. "I promise everything will get better," I say.


"So you still haven't figured out a date yet for your wedding?" Christina asks. I nod at her. Yep she's right, it only has been four months though since he proposed to me. We were planning to get married at the end of the year.

I cross my legs. "Yeah," I sigh. Christina just smirks at me then shakes her head. "You should you know really figure that out though I'm just saying,"

"I know, I know," I laugh. She finishes folding up her laundry and then puts them in her basket. "So when are you to deciding to you know," she smirks.

She raises her eyebrows at me. "You know what?" I ask. She laughs at me and she walks over to me. Then sits across from me on the couch. "Have kids silly," she laughs

"Oooh that," I say. She smacks my arm lightly. "So when I wanna babysit," she giggles. Well I wasn't planning on have kids just yet. "Your acting like I'm going to have like twelve kids," I laugh.

"I know. But you know when can I babysit I wanna be your kids favorite babysitter and then when they come over we can have really fun when you and four have a date night," she winks.

I cover my mouth with my hand and laugh into it. "What you think we will like go out on a date night and then come back home having sex while you babysit?" I laugh.

She smirks at me. "Pretty much yeah,". I can't believe she would even think I would do that. "Your unbelievable," I say. She just laughs.

"I know but you still love me," she says. I squint my eyes and I shake my head. "Yeah no,"

I uncross my legs then I rub my fingers through my hair to brush it. "So how are things with you and Uriah?" I ask. She stares at me in shock.

"Whaa? What are you talking about?" She says. I raise my eyebrow at her, well looks like she has been keeping something from me.

"I just said how are things with you and Uriah?" I ask. She nods at me. "Oh good, so uh can we change the topic?" She asks.

"Why. Do you have you like him?" I ask. She just laughs at me. "What. No of course not,"

Mhm sure...

"Yeah sure, I think you do," I say. She rolls her eyes at me. "You're ridiculous," she says.

"Yeah says the one who wants me to have twelve children and wants to babysit them every Friday night so me and Tobias can have a date night then come home and have sex," I say.

She shrugs her shoulders at me. "Christina," I scowl. She covers her fave with her hands. "Okay you got me, I do like him there," she whines.

I cover my mouth. My best friend likes my best friend. She told me that she had feelings for him before but then she just forgot about it because they weren't that strong.

"He should ask you out," I say. She shakes her head. "Nah, I don't think he likes me in that way,"

"But cmon its Uriah, you are the one that has been closest with him," I say. She scratches her forehead. "Well since Zeke flirted with me and Shanua and him broke up I don't know,"

"Yeah but Zeke is dead," I frown. She nods at me. I keep forgeting about that, Tobias's only best friend is dead, Shanuas ex boyfriend is dead and Uriahs brother is dead.

I'll never forget Uriah's face when he saw him die. It hurts to think about it, I would never think he would go through something like that.

But life is full with surprises.

"Oh come on you should honestly talk to him about it," I say. "Okay fine I will," she whines.

"Good." I say

I walk into the living room and I see Tobias laying down on the couch with one arm above his head. I throw my jacket onto a chair. "Hey Tobias?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He asks. I sit down next to him. "I have been thinking, when do you wanna get married?" I ask.

"Whenever you want to," he says. I decide to straddle him and he sits up. "Well I was thinking in the fall, you know the weather would be perfect and the trees would look really pretty," I say

He smiles at me then rests his forehead against mine. "I would like that. Very much," he says. I laugh a little.

"Good," I say. I cup his face with my hands and I brush my lips against his. He rests his hand on my back and he fits his mouth to mine.

I wrap my arm around his neck and he kisses me harder. He puts his hands on my hips. Finally I break the kiss and be pulls away, to savor the air.

Then I rest my forehand against mine and he smiles at me. Then he reaches for my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine. "I love you," I breathe.

He smirks at me, then he kisses my forehead. "I know,"

And I will love him till the end.

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Ahola guys! So I have two weeks or so left of school starting tomorrow. So I need to finish this big science project this week and the week after that I need to study for finals. So I won't be able to update a lot. I will probably only updated once during the weekends.

I'm sorry about this.


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