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My eyes flutter open, I realize it's still nighttime because I can see the moonlight coming through the window in our room. I pull the covers up to my chest and squeeze them.
I can hear Tobias's breathing, I close my eyes again. I just think about what I had to go through in these past 3 years. It has been hell, and Tobias knows it too. I sit up and pull the covers off of me. I stand up and my bare feet hit the tile floor. I open the door quietly and walk out of the room.

No one is in the hallways, so it must be everyone is asleep. I walk quietly down the hallway and down the stairs to the first level. I open the door to the main entrance of the central building. Then I hear crickets and I sit down on the concrete. I look up into the sky and look at the stars. I think about my mother, father and caleb they must be up there happy, in peace. But I'm the only one left down here. I miss them dearly. I put both of my knees up near my chest and I wrap both of my arms around my legs.

"We'll look who's up" Someone says I jerk my head and I realize it's only Christina. "Oh my gosh you scared me" I say. She sits down next to me on the pavement. "What are you doing out here so late?" She asks.

"Uh, I couldn't sleep" I say

"Me too" she says

I sigh and I look up at the sky again I know I'm not alone and I know Ariana is still alive and is out there. But If I lose her I don't know what to do with myself. "I'm a little nervous and scared" I say.

"Why?" She asks, I glance at her and I take a deep breath. "I don't know what if I never get to them and Ariana is gone she is the only actual related family I have left" I say. Christina smiles at me then she puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey it's gonna be alright, we will find them" she says.

"Yeah I hope so" I say, she frowns then she wraps her arms around me, giving a hug. "You deserve so much better Tris, you're my hero and I'm not saying that because your my best friend I'm saying that because it's True" Christina says. I pull back and smile at her. "Thank you Christina you're the best" I say.

"Hey that's what I do, I'm gonna go get some sleep now" she says. I nod at her and I stand up. "Me too" I say. I walk to the door and hold it for her. I walk up the stairs back up to our level. I open the door quietly and I see Tobias pacing back and fourth biting his nails. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He walks over to me and gives me a tight hug. "My god Tris, you scared the shit of me I thought you got kidnapped or something where did you go?" He asks. I sit down on the bed and he sits down next to me.

"I took a walk with Christina because I couldn't sleep" I say. He places one of his hands on my thigh. "Oh good, you almost gave me a heart attack" he says. I smile then I burst out laughing, he raises an eyebrow at me. "It's not funny" he laughs.

"Then why are you laughing?" I laugh he just shakes his head at me. "I don't know how I could give you a heart attack maybe it's because I'm so amazing" I say. Then he kisses my forehead.

"Hey now let's not be wannabes" he says. Then I fit my mouth to his and he kisses me back. I straddle him and kiss him harder. "I love you" I say.
He smiles at me. "I love you too" he says.

"We should get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow" I say.

He nods and then turns off the light, then I get off him and lay down where my head reaches the pillow. He wraps one arm around my waist protecting me. Soon I fall asleep.

"You have everything right?" President York says.

"Yes ma'am we did a checklist" A man says

"Alright, you packed the guns right?" President York asks

"Yes, ma'am" A man says

I stand near a tree, President York walks up to me then smiles. "Tris I just want to let you know your gonna find them it may take awhile but you will, your a hero" she says. I smile at her, "Thank You" I say. Then she turns her head so she is facing Tobias. "So are you Tobias, your both a team which makes you both heels, you both can do this" she says.

"Thank you" Tobias says. She nods then smiles and starts to walk back to the central building. They call us to the trucks and we walk back. They open the door for us and I get into the car onto the soft seats.

"Hi I'm Molly ill be assisting you in this mission" she says.

"Hi I'm Tris and this is Tobias" I say

"I see, I heard Amazing things about you too" she says. I smile at her and then I start to play with my fingers. "Anyways it's gonna be long ride so you may wanna take a nap" she winks. The truck starts up and we start to move, I see were gonna be heading past amity soon. I lean my head on Tobias's shoulder and I soon fall asleep.

The sunlight appears in the horizon, I can tell its morning now. I yawn and I reach for Tobias hand. We made the seats into beds which I thought it was very interesting.

"Morning" I say

"Morning" he says

Then he grabs for my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine, the warmth coming to my body. "Hey guys were going to eat now I brought some sandwiches" Molly says. Sandwiches for lunch well that's interesting.

I take a bite my sandwich and I look out the window. It's just fields of grass that I see no buildings yet nothing. I turn my head to the back end of the car and of course uriah and Christina are sleeping but on separate sides. I honestly do think they should date but Christina doesn't want to since what happened to will because of me.

"Hey Christina wake up!" I yell. She just groans and turns to the other side of the bed. I give Tobias my sandwich and I shake her a little. "Five more minutes" she groans. "Don't you want you want food?"
I ask.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Sandwiches" I say

"Why would I want a sandwich this time in the morning?" She asks.

"I don't know maybe because your hungry" I say

"Not now" she says

Then I see in the horizon I see buildings we must be getting close.

All I need to do now is find them.

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Xoxo Nikki

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