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Luckily Casey took the offer to be the leader. Which I'm very thankful about. Now she can make everything better.

But no one knows yet that she is becoming the leader except the guards. The guards came over to me and they couldn't thank me enough.

They said they are so thankful that someone brave enough could stand up to Samuel. Now I know the truth about him.

He did kill his mother in order to be in power. No wonder why he is messed up and left people to die.

But the thing I didn't know was that about two months ago. He found out he was Convergent.

This disease doesn't always affect people right when their born, it also effects people when they're older.

So lots of people out there are suffering in pain. And they know there's nothing they can do. But not for long they will eventually find hope.

It will be the hope to save life.

I know lots of people died because of me. Because of my divergence.

But people haven't realized that divergents are the key to life. They are the people that have healed genes.

There the people who can bring human life back together. The people who can fix everything in the Human life.

With divergents, we can put the original human life back together.

Like me. Today I'm going to copy my DNA to make the resurgence serum. Casey is going to help me with it, which I'm happy about.

Now I don't have to worry anymore and when I leave here everything will be set.

No worries of being attacked anymore which I'll be happy. Nothing will tear me apart anymore. I will have to keep the deaths in the past and the things I did.

Now it's a new start.

"You ready?" Casey asks. I nod at her and she motions me to come into the room. I sit down on the chair in the middle of the room. I hear her going through some cabinets.

She walks over to me with a metal plate with tools on it. She sits down on a chair next to me. "Okay so I'm going to stick some needles inside of you, it will be mostly your arms."

I nod at her. I sit back and I squeeze my fist. Because I know if I do that the pain won't hurt as much, because I haven't had a needle inside me.

She pulls out some needles. "Okay it will pinch a little." I nod at her. Then she sticks one needle into my arm and takes some blood. I clench my teeth due to the pinching in my arm.

Then she pulls it out. Then she sticks another one above my elbow. This time it doesn't hurt as much.

"One more." She says. Then she takes out a needle and injects under my collarbone. Then she sets the needles down onto the tray.

"There your done it will only take about two days for me to make it into a serum and then to copy it." Well that's good it will only take two days to save tons of lives.

"Hey can we stop by later today to see your sister?" I ask. She smiles and then nods at me.

I need to explain to her sister that we're going to help her. That we can save her life.

"She's up in her room." Casey says. We walk up the stairs into her bedroom. She opens the door and I walk inside.

Then I realize her sister isn't doing well. She looks pale like she's going to pass out. "Casey?" I ask. She lifts her head up and looks at me. "Hmm?"

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