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My eyes open and I stretch. Last night I couldn't fall asleep worried about this choice I have to make and I still am. This isn't right I know it's not. Killing people for no reason is wrong. But sometimes sacrifices need to be made.

I bite my lip and I sigh. I sit up and pull the covers off of me. Tobias groans and he sits up and buried is face in my shoulder. "Morning" he says.

"Morning" I sigh. He wraps his arms around my waist. "What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nothing, I'm gonna get a shower now" I gulp.

He nods and I walk out of the room. Maybe with me just standing in the shower will help me wash off my thoughts. But this is the hardest choice I had to ever make.

I walk down the hallway with my hands in my pockets when I see Casey notices me. I walk away from her fast. "Tris!" She says. She looks confused on why I'm walking away from her. I walk faster and she grabs my shoulder. "Hey where were you today?" She asks.

I shake a little. I hate lying to people but sometimes I have to. I bite my lip. "Uh I wasn't feeling well" I say. She frowns a little. "Well if you weren't feeling well you could of came down to the lab and I couldn't of gave you medicine" she says. I look down at the floor. "Oh I didn't think of that"' I say

"Well remember you can do that any time" she says. I nod and then I smile. She takes her hand off my shoulder. "Hey what's wrong you seem upset?" She asks. Great she is asking me what's wrong. Of course I can't tell her that I might be killing you.

"We can't... I,". I take a deep breath then I gulp. My hands to start in fear. This isn't right it's not. "We can't what?" She asks. I bite my lip then I take another deep breath.

"We can't do that resurgence serum plan anymore," I say. She frowns then shakes her head. She looks confused, of course she is confused because it doesn't make any sense. "What why?" She asks.

"It's too dangerous and do you know what the punishments would be if Samuel knew?" I ask. She nods and stops frowning. "I understand it's your choice I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want to do and I thought you were going to help me with my sister you promised" she sighs.

She frowns again and tears fill her eyes and she walks down the hall. It's my fault her sister is going to die. But so is she. I broke her trust and I'm trusting this awful leader. What have I done?

I burry my face into my pillow sobbing. The tears drop onto the cloth making it wet. I sound like a dying animal but I don't care right now. I have never been so scared in my whole entire life and this is so wrong. I can't Imagine what Tobias would think of this decision.

He probably would be so disappointed in me and wouldn't want to be around me because I killed a person for no reason. This decision is going to ruin my life. What have I done?

I have ruined everything. We shouldn't have came here in the first place. But in the beginning I thought it was important to save Evelyn and Ariana. I shouldn't of listened to Ariana.

But I'm not so sure anymore. I feel like coming here was a waste. I need to go home. But I have to do this first. I don't want to. I cry more into the pillow.

I hear footsteps come through the doorway. "Tris?" Tobias asks. I lift my head up from the pillow and wipe my eyes. "Sorry..." I sigh. He sits down next to me on the bed. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.

"What happened?" He asks. I can't tell him, he would stop me or be terrified of me. Because I'm taking someone's life away for no reason. "It's nothing..." I say. He runs his fingers throughout my hair. "Tris something is wrong tell me what it is I don't like seeing you like this" he says.

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