Ninja of Elements

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I watch as Uncle walks towards the ninja, who lets his fire go out. I look at the others. They lower their weapons, Father lowers his bowstaff, and Nya lowers her samurai blade. I let go of my powers as well.

"Sensei, do you know him?" Kai asks.

"As a matter of fact, we all do." Uncle says.

We say at once. "WHAT?"

The ninja lowers his hood, only to reveal...a girl? But it's not just any girl. It's the one everbody knows. She helps people all the time. She's everyone's hero. It's Liz.

"Sorry I had to remain secretive, but you must understand that I have my reasons." She says.

"Oh, well in that case...DID YOU JUST TRY TO KILL ME?" Cole yells at her.

"I knew you could dodge it."


"Uncle, why didn't you tell us who it was?"

"If she didn't want to be revealed to you yet, then I was not going to reveal her to you. As soon as Kai's feet were frozen, I had my suspiscion it was her. And I was right. She has power over all of the elements, more than you, Lloyd."

"What do you mean 'more than me?' Isn't there only four elements?"

"Of course, let's just keep it with that. Only four. Nevermind."

He knows something.

"So Liz, why did you not show us it was you before?" Zane asks after dinner that night.

"Like I said, I have my reasons."

She's a lot like Cole. She can be very stubborn and strong. But she's also like Zane becasue she can be kind and soft. She a lot like all of us, really. She can be very hot headed like Kai and very...actually, she's not like Jay. Jay's annoying.

"As your powers grow, the more danger you are in. Especially you, Lloyd."

"What?" I say. I wasn't relly paying attention.

"My enemies are after power. Long ago, before Lloyd even joined your team, one of my enemies tried to kill the four of you." She says, gesturing to Zane, Kai, Jay, and Cole. "He wanted your power. I managed to take him down secretly, and convinced him to wait unitl your powers grew. Now that they have, he will be returning. That is why I am here again. All of you are in danger. I will stay near, but out of sight. now that you know about me, I can lower my gaurd a little. If you need me, just call my name. Like I said, I will be near."

She takes off. Literally, she jumps off the ship. We all try to stop her, than we see that she's flying. With wings. And she she has tails. She is really wierd, weirder than Zane.

After she left, I go see my uncle in his room.

"Uncle, what did you mean when you said she has power over more elemnets than me?"

"Maybe I will tell you another time, but not now. We must heed her warning and be careful."

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