Ninja of the Path

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Okay. So now we're wasting more time by meditating. While everyone else has their eyes colsed and being lazy, I decide to look for Zane on my own. I know Lloyd said that we need to stick together, but I can't help it. I miss him.

"So instead of doing what Liz suggests, you decide to deviate and go alone?"

"Yes, Zane. And what does deviate mean, anyways? Wait, Zane?!"

"Yes, Jay, it is me. Deviate means to stray from a path, go a different direction. Really Jay, you need to work on your vocabulary." Zane says.

"Okay, why are you here? I mean, it's just that, because- ZANE!"

I run over to him and try to throw my arms around him, but they go right through him. Am I still meditating? Is this part of what we're supposed to see?

"You cannot touch me, Jay. I am not really here. I am only here to guide you to find me."


He nods. At this point, I don't question it and just follow him. Pretty soon we're out of the forest and in a place where everything is black. Dark. No light at all.


Meditating. Never really been fond of it. Zane is the one who's always doing it. He's the one who's into all the spiritual stuff. I never  really cared for it. So, now I'm meditating...what? What am I supposed to be doing?! I sigh. I give up. I open my eyes and lie down on the grass.

"Cole, why are you giving up?"

"Because I have no clue what I'm doing, Zane. Wait, what?" I sit up to see Zane standing in front of me. "Zane!" I run up to him, well, I run right through him. "Huh?"

"I am not really here, Cole. I am only here to guide you to find me." He says.

I stare at him blankly. Like I said, not too big on the spiritual stuff. I follow him anyways. Where we end up is a really super dark place. Spooky.


I wish we know where Zane is. I miss him. We all do. He's our friend, our brother. We've lost him once before, and we're not going to lose him again. I promise, Zane. We'll find you. Wherever you are. I take a deep breath a keep my eyes closed. I don't know what we're looking for, but I'll find it.

"Kai, do not look so hard that you miss what you are looking for."

"Not now, Zane. I'm trying to-" I stop and open my eyes. Zane is standing right in front of me. "Zane!"

He comes up to me. I notice that he's see-through. I run my hand through his body. It goes right through him. Wierd.

"I'm not really here, Kai. I am only here to guide you to find me."

"What? Zane, what are you-"

"Come, follow me."

He leads me out of the forest. Out of Ninjago, I think. When we stop, we're in a place just full of darkness. I wonder if we're on the Dark Island. We could be.

"Zane, where are we?" I ask.

"We are where they are keeping me." He says, gesturing to a bunch or monstrous-looking things that are completely black. They look like what the fake Zane really was.

"Hey Zane," I start, but I find that he's gone.


I wait. And wait. And wait some more. I really have no clue what I'm wating for. Zane would say that more...formally. He would say I have no inkling of what I'm waiting for, inkling meaning clue. I sigh and open my eyes. The others are still sitting there, so I know I'm not the only one who's clueless.

"Lloyd, you know more than you think."

"Really? 'Cause I can be pretty absant-minded sometimes. Wait, Zane?"

I turn around to see Zane standing on the grass. I stand up, so fast that the blood rushing to my head makes me feel a little dizzy, but I don't care. Zane's back.

"Zane, we've been worried sick."

"Lloyd, you and the others are not sick."

"Zane, it's an expression." I laugh. "How did you get here, anyways?" I ask.

"I am not really here, Lloyd. I am only here to guide you to find me. Follow me."

"Okay." I say a little warily. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to where I am located at."

We arrive at a really dark place. I turn around to ask Zane where we are, but he's gone. I look around. There's no light, I can barely see my own hand in front of me.

"Lloyd!" I hear Kai's voice.

"Kai? Where are we?"

"No clue. Zane just dropped us off here I guess." He says.

"Hey guys!" We turn around to see Jay.

"Jay, where's Cole?" I ask.

"Right here." I look a bit past Jay and see the distant figure of Cole. "So, we're absolutely clueless on where we're at?"

We all nod. "Well, this is apprently the place where Zane is, so let's start looking for him." I say.

"That's going to be hard to do. It's so dark here." Kai says.

We start walking in the darkness. We have somehow found a path here, but now we need a path to Zane. We're coming, brother.

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