Ninja of False Love

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I smile as I think back to the kiss I shared with Liz. Then I think to when Sensei said we knew who tampered with Cole's chili. Could she really have done it? It probably was her. We all know that she can lose control at any moment. I sigh with exasperation.

"Shut up." Jay says sleepily.

I guess I sighed louder than I thought. My internal clock says that it is 2:30 A.M. I cannot sleep. The others will be waking up in three hours and thirty minutes. We usually wake up at 6:00 A.M. I stare at the bottom of Cole's bunk, which is what I sleep under. I close my eyes again, hoping to fall asleep. It doesn't work. I am still awake at 4:00 A.M. Two hours to go until everyone is awake. I decide to go outside onto the deck. I lean against the railing, feeling the wind against my face.

"Hello, Zane."

It turn around at the sound of my own voice. I do not see anything. I must be imagining it.

"It would be wise not to ignore me."

I turn around again. But I see nothing. I shake my head in hopes to clear my thoughts. Then i feel a blow to my head. I am nearly knocked out. Before I black out, I see someone standing over me. It is myself. An imposter. Everything grows dark.


6:00 A.M. Great, morning. I get out of bed as do the others, but Zane isn't around.

"Hey guys, have you seen Zane?" I ask.

"No." They all say.

I go out on the deck. I see Zane standing there against the railing. Why is he out here?

"Hey Zane!" I yell. "What are you doing out here?"

"I am...thinking." He says.

"Of what?"

"N-Nothing. night."

"Ookaay." I say.

He is acting really strnge, even for him. Maybe it's just that he found out his past is even more messed up than it was before. Cole, Kai and Lloyd come out and join us.

"Jay. Breakfast." kai says, still half asleep.

Oh, right. It's my turn to cook breakfast today.

"Uh, sure thing. I'll get right on it." I say. Then I whisper to Kai. "Zane's acting really wierd, wierder than usual. Something's up."

He nods. I continue to the kitchen. I decide to make omletes. They're good, right? I put some eggs on the frying pan and let them cook. Then I add some green onions, some cheese, a little bacon, and a few other things. I may not be as great as Zane with cooking, but I think I'm at least second best. I bring the omletes to the table, where Sensei, Nya, and the others are already at. After everyone eats, Zane goes to the bridge. He doesn't say what for.


Okay, Jay's right. Zane is deffinately acting wierder than usual. After breakfast, he says he needs to go to the bridge, but he doesn't say why. I decide to follow him. The others are a bit suspicious of him too, but don't come with me. When he enters the bridge, he goes to the main computer and types in his name. What is he doing? A bunch of information pops up for 'Zane Julien.' He stares at the screen, as if memorizing all of it. He starts to talk to himself.

"Zane Julien. Son of Dr. Julien. Had an accident as a child and was made into a robot to live. White ninja of ice. Strange. Different. Excellent cook. Kind to others." He says. This is really wierd. Why is he looking at all of this stuff? "Linking current information to the Dark Master. Information recieved. The white ninja of ice will soon be destroyed." I gasp. This isn't Zane!

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