Ninja of Two Sides

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Well, I'm glad everything's sorted out finally. If Liz was doing what I think she was doing, then we should be fine. I think she was trying to take control of her dark side before she came back. As long as she's under control, then I guess we have no reason to be afraid of her.

"Hey Lloyd," Cole says from behind me, "you think we can trust her?"

"Yeah, I think we can." I say.

"Uh...guys, you might want to come see this." Jay says from the deck.

Cole and I look at each other in question, then go outside with Zane, Jay, Nya, Sensei Wu, and my dad. They're all looking at something...weird. Liz and her family, fighting.

~~random info~~

There is a secret about Liz. She isn't really a human, but an alien. She comes from a faraway planet called Kini. This planet is very special because it has two equal sides of good and evil. Liz's name on this planet is Kira. She is only called Liz by us and other humans, but to her family, she is Kira.

She has two sides to her, good and evil. She also has a spirit for each side, as well as a spirit dragon. Kiana is the spirit dragon of evil, and Kanira is the spirit dragon of good. The Evil Spirit is older and stronger than the Good Spirit, who is very young and sensitive.

"Kira" has a mother, Yolanda, a father, Asoka, and a brother, Kovu. They are all from the good side of Kini. The man she fought earlier, Azzume, is from the evil side of Kini.

Azzume tries to defeat Liz by turning her family and friends against her. She is usually able to change them back, but it nearly costs her her life. Since she had to give part of her life to Garmadon and Zane earlier, she cannot change her family to good. She has no choice but to kill them.

~~ end of random info~~

The Evil Spirit must be showing this fight to us to humiliate Liz.

We see Liz fighting her family again. Azzume must have turned them evil. She can usually just turn them good again, but I guess that would kill her. We stare in shock as the battle draws on. We see Liz take a deep breath, clearly not wanting to harm them.

"Kira, it's the only way." The Good Spirit says.

"Yeah," says the Evil Spirit, "so just kill them already."

Liz is trying to convey her uncertainty, but we can all see it. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

With one swift motion, she dashes through her family, her swords finding their hearts in a clean move. They fall, lifeless. Several tears escape from her eyes, but she doesn't care.

"Liz..." Zane says.

"That's got to be rough." Cole says.

"I thought killed my father when I defeated him, and that was hard on me." I say. "Once I knew he was still alive, I was so happy."

"Her family is not coming back, Lloyd." Zane says. "They are gone forever."

~~sometime later~~


We haven't seen Liz since we saw her kill her family. I think she knows that we know.

"Guys, help!"

I run towards the sound of Nya's voice. I get to the deck to see Azzume holding a knife to Nya's throat. The others come out as well.

"Nya!" Kai yells. "Let my sister go!"

Kai runs towards Azzume, but he tosses him to the side.

"We can't beat him!" I say. it's the truth. Even Lloyd can't beat him.

"Only Liz can defeat him." Garmadon says.

"But," Lloyd says, "we haven't seen her in weeks. Do you think she'll really show up?"

"Of course she will." Zane says.

"Let her go, Azzume!"

We look up at the sky to see Liz falling through the air towards us. She lands on the deck, drawing her swords. Azzume tries to kill Nya before Liz comes, but Nya steps on his foot, making him let her go.

"I'm tougher than I look." Nya says.

"Yeah, so next time, don't try to kill her." Liz says.

She jumps in the air and starts attacking Azzume. Something changes in her. At first, she just starts attacking him as she normally does, injuring but not killing him. Then she starts to act more vicious towards him.

"You made me kill my own family." She says. "They are dead because of you. You will pay for what you have done." She's lost it.

"Liz, control yourself!" Zane yells.

Jay tries to talk to her as well. "This isn't you, you're letting your anger get the best of you!"

"We cannot reach her." Sensei says. "She is too far gone in her own evil."

We look back at Liz. I stare in shock to see Azzume dead, but Liz is still killing him. She's on top of him, literally tearing him to shreds. His body is ripped open and blood is everywhere. Liz has changed into one of those dark creatures, except she's bigger and fiercer.

We all gawk at the grotesque sight of his corpse being consumed by her. Both of her spirits try to stop her, but she kills them, too. she separates into her good and evil sides. Her good side somehow manages to kill her evil side. Once she's done, she falls to the ground.

"Liz!" Zane says, running over to her.

"What's wrong?" Jay asks her.

"I...need both of my...spirits that I can live. I also dark side." She takes in a deep breath. "Now that they are all dead, I will die, too."

"No." Zane says. " can't be. There must be some way to-"

"Kira!" We look up to see Kiana and Kanira, Liz's spirit dragons, coming towards her. "We will not let you die." Kanira picks up Liz's good side and the Good Spirit in her teeth, while Kiana picks up the Evil Spirit and Liz's evil side. "She will return, we promise." they fly off, taking both sides of Liz with them.

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