Ninja of Earth

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I force myself out of bed when I here Zane call my name. What does he want? When I get out there, I see him standing right next to a burn mark on the deck. I recognize that kind of burn mark, though. It's from lightning.

"Zane, are you okay?" I ask as I run towards him.

"Yes, but...did you do this?" He getures to the burn mark.


"What's going on?" Kai and the others come out to see, and stare in shock. Hehe, 'shock,' lightning. I am great at puns, arn't I?

We go in the bridge again and fast forward to the pert right before the lightnig strikes. We see Zane and the other ninja face to face. The other ninja raises his hand really fast, and lightning comes down. Then he's gone.

"Just like what happened to me." Kai says.

"Like I said, be careful Ninja."

"Yes, Sensei." We say at once, bowing to Sensei.

The next day, after breakfast, we train on the deck. While I am beating up a dummy, the floor opens up beneath me. I'm in middair for a second, then fall below deck. The others come to see what happened. Before they reach me, I see the ninja.

"Hey who-" Then he's gone.

"Jay, what's wrong?" Cole asks, running up to me.

"What d'ya do that for?" I yell at him.

"Me? I didn't do anything!"

"No one else could have done this!"

"Did you see the ninja, Jay?" Lloyd asks.

"Well, yeah. But that doesn't mean-"

"It means my assumptions are right." Sensei says, walking up to us. "We will see what happened in the bridge."

We look at the video camera that's placed below deck, only to see the ninja throw his arms to the ground, making the deck split open. The next thing we see is me falling below. Great, so this ninja can also control earth, just like Cole.

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