Ninja of Forgiveness

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I open my eyes slowly, trying to remeber what happened. I come across a blank, remembering only when I was in the dark cell. I shudder in fear. I never want to go there again. I have vague memories of being taken back here, and seeing Liz and my brothers, but they feel like they are dreams. I try to get up. I manage, but barely. I reach the door to our room, but Cole comes in before I can open it.

"Ah! Oh, Zane, you're up. Are you feeling okay?" He asks.

I want to say yes, but I only manage a nod.

"Maybe you shouldn't be up quite yet. I mean, Liz isn't even up yet, and she's not as bad off as you-"

"Liz? Is she alright?" I ask. I hope she is alright. I hope she is not hurt because of me. "Where is she?"

"Whoa, settle down. She's fine, just sleeping. Which is what you should probably be doing. Just relaxe, we got this." He says, forcing me back to my bed.


"No. No buts. Just wait. We'll explain everything later." He says with a wink.

He walks out of the room, leaving me to sleep. But I cannot. I cannot rest knowing that Liz is hurt, possibly because of me. I have no memory of what happened since I have returned, but I have a feeling it is not good.


Well, I think it's safe to say that Zane is finally back to normal. He's seems really worried about Liz. I guess I could understand. I mean, I would be worried sick if something happened to Nya. I really would be worried. Of course, Jay would be too. He can be really annoying some- most of the time.

"Hey, how's Zane?" Kai asks.

"He's...worried. About Liz. Other than that, I think he'll be fine." I say.

"Then he is no longer evil." Sensei says.

"We should see how Liz is doing." Kai says.

"Yeah, I'll go check on her." I say.

I go into Nya's room, where Liz is staying for now. I knock on the door.

"Nya? You in there?"

"Yeah." She responds. "Just a second, you can come in."

I open the door and walk in the room. I see Liz still sleeping in her bed.

"How is she?" I ask.

"She's been sleeping all day so far. She hasn't even moved at all."

I look down at Liz. There are no visible injuries, but she's probably still healing from all of her life she's given to Sensei Garmadon and Zane. She's a real hero, not caring what happens to her, so long as others she cares about are safe. She groans and slowly opens her eyes.


"Well, good to see you're awake." Nya says. "How are you feeling?"

"'s Zane and Garmadon?" She asks.

"Well, Garmadon's fine, but Zane...not so much." I say.

She frowns, closes her eyes, and sighs. "As I suspected. I should be going now, but I will return soon." She stands up, but topples on the ground, half sitting on the bed.

"Maybe you should should stay here a while, rest some more." I say as Nya goes to Liz to help up.

"No, I'm-...fine. I will stay, for now."


It takes a few weeks for Zane to completely recover, Liz takes a few more days. When they are finally up, the ninja decide to tell Zane what happened to him. While Zane was still in bed, however, the ninja decided that maybe it would be safer without Liz around. They agreed that she did help them find Zane, but it was because of her that he was in danger. They decide for her to leave them alone. They tell her this when they tell Zane what happened to him.


After what seems like forever, I have finally recovered. My brothers came in earlier and said that they would explain what happened now. It's late in the afternoon, so I guess now is as good a time as ever.

I exit the room and head to the bridge. I see Liz walking in the same direction. It has been the first time I have seen her since I was captured. I quickly catch up to her.

"Liz!" I say.

She turns around, looking confused. "Huh?" When she sees that it is me, her face seems to light up with joy. "Zane, I'm glad you're alright."

"I am glad you are okay, too." I say, taking her hands in mine. We stare into each other's eyes, desperate longing in each of them. We both lean into each other for a kiss.

"Now, Zane." Cole says, opening the door to the bridge.

"And you too, Liz." Kai says, standing behind Cole.

I see Liz blush, and I know that if I could, I would be too. They came in right as we were about to kiss. We quickly draw apart, uneasy that we were caught. We walk into the bridge. Sensei Wu, Garmadon, Nya, and my brothers are there. I am shocked to see that everyone is staring sternly at Liz. I turn to look at her. She looks back at all of us in a shameful manner.

"OK, first things, first." Jay says, crosing his arms. "You need to leave, Liz."

"What? You cannot do that to her! She has saved my life!" I say, stepping in front of Liz. I turn to look at her. She still looks shameful.

"No, they're right." She says. "It was because of me that you were in danger in the first place. It would be safer for all of you if I stay out of sight, but I will still have to be near in case my enemies come for you."

I stare at her in shock. She is the reason I was hurt? I do not know what happened that day, and now I do not want to know, not without her here beside me.

"If you are going to tell me what happened, then she stays. At least, for now, I suppose."

The others stare at me, then sigh and nod. Cole starts to explain.

"Alright, so we found out that-"

"Wait, let me explain it." Liz says. "I know more than you." Cole stares at her with his mouth open. Liz starts to talk while he is trying to proccess what just happened.

"I lost control of my balance. I went to the dark creatures, and made one of them look, talk, and act almost exaclty like you. He knocked you out on the bounty that night, and took your place. The others figured out it was an imposter, and went to find you. While they were looking for you, you were imprisoned by more of the dark creatures. They would beat you, cut you, hurt you. When I sent a part of my own spirit to you every night, it was to keep you alive until they found you." She says, pointing at my brothers. "They found you and you broke free. You were able to overcome their torturing at the last moment, only because it was that small time when one feels there is no hope left. The soul uses the last of its energy trying to survive. It is very dangerous, and most do not survive through it. When you did that, I was so afraid. You survived, though, and you healed."

She looks at the ground, and I see a single tear slide down her cheek. "However," she continues, "you were not the same as before. Your soul had turned evil by the time spent in that dark place. You injected Garmadon with an evil fluid. He turned back into Lord Garmadon. The only way to save you and him was to give each of you a part of my soul, a large part. You were good again, as was Garmadon, but you were weak. You've been recovering up until this day."

I look at her in pure shock and slight horror. She turned me...evil? "How could you?" I ask. she lowers her head even more. "I understand that you lost control, but why did you not-"

"I'm sorry. I'll just leave now." She says.

She exits the door in a hurry. The rest of us follow after her. She reaches the deck and flies into the air. She dissapears into the sky, now filling with dark clouds. A storm is approaching. I wonder if it is because of her. I am ashamed of myself for yelling at her. Now she is gone. I do not think I will ever see her again. I walk solemnly inside with the rest. Will she forgive me for turning on her? I have already forgiven her for what she has done, and I hope she knows that she is forgiven.

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