Ninja of Love

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I stand out on the deck for a while. I feel something for her. She said that she's different, just like me. I know that she is different. That is why I like her, but does she like me the same way? No, I must not think of this. She is a friend. That is all.

I walk back inside the bounty and go to the kitchen. It's my turn to make dinner. The others are always pleased when it is my turn.

"Hay Zane, you okay?"

I turn around to see Jay, Kai, and Cole in the doorway.

"Yes, I'm fine." I say.

Physically, I am fine. But I am not emotionally. But I am a robot. A robot cannot love. I cannot love her the way Jay loves Nya. I am fine with being not able to love. It is impossible for me. But, there is something that I am feeling. Some emotion that I do not understand. Ever since she first took off her mask, I have been having these dreams about her. I dream about us being together. Every time I see her, I feel that there is more between us than just firendship.

When I look into her beautiful green eyes, my mechanical heart fills with joy. Her light blonde hair always gently in her face. Her pale skin is so-. That's right. She is not like me. I am a robot. My skin is not real, but hers is. I cannot love her the way someone else can.

"Dinner's ready." I say.

Everyone sits around the table and eats. They like my cooking more than anyone's. When we are all done, I stay to clean up.

"Hey, Zane. Don't worry about the dishes tonight. I can do them."

"Are you sure, Kai? It really is not a bother."

"Yeah I'm sure. You should just take a break every now and then, you know."

"Alright. If you say so, Kai."

I leave Kai to do the dishes and clean up. I go to the room I share with him, Jay, and Cole. I lie down on my bunk, thinking of Liz. Then I hear a knock on the window. I get up to see what it is. It's Falcon. He's tapping his beak against the glass.

"What is it, my flacon friend?" I ask.

It caws in response. His eyes blink a blue light, indicating that he has a message for me to see. I take out his memory chip and insert it into my proccessor. The memory starts to play.

"Zane, if you see this, then that mean Falcon really is a true friend. I have no doubt that he will bring this to you. However, that is not what I want to tell you. You already know that. I want to tell you something, but not like this. I can't tell you through a message. I need to tell you in person. Look out your window."

I turn back to the window, which is still open from when I let Falcon in, and see Liz sitting on the windowsill. I smile at her. She smiles back. She gets off and comes into the room, walking up to me slowly. She is so beautiful.

"What do you want to say?" I ask. My heart races with the hope of it being that she loves me, but I can't get too hopeful.

"This." She says.

She embraces me, kissing me. When she lets go, I stare at her.

"I knew that I loved you the very moment I first saw you, and that you loved me the first time you saw me. I just needed to tell you when we were alone. I also need to show you something that will help you understand so much more about you." She says.

"What is it?" I ask.

She holds her arm up so that Falcon can perch on it. She takes out a memory chip and hands it to me. Just like I did with the first memory, I insert it into my proccessor.

I am a child. I am playing with Falcon, my firend. Father watches me as I play. I am playing in the Birchwood Forest, where the Treehorns nest. I do not notice one coming towards me.

"Zane, watch out!" Father yells.

I look up to see the leg of a treehorn come down on top of me, then it walks away.

"Zane!" Father yells.

I am unconcious, but Falcon still sees everything. My body is crushed. I am dying. Father quickly takes me back inside the house, Falcon following cloesly behind. When we get to the bottom of the hollowed out tree, Father lays me down on a bed.

"I'm sorry, Zane." He says.

Then he goes to his workbench, making blueprints and gethering supplies. He gets to work on me. He is replacing the damaged parts of my body with metal. He is making me into a robot so that I survive. I open my eyes.

"Hello, Zane." Father says, adjusting his glasses.

The memory stops. I feel a tear roll down my face.

"You have questions, don't you?" Liz says.

I nod. "All of my life, I thought I was just a robot. But now I see that I was once human. How can this be? How come my father never told me? I was injured and dying, but I was human. Now I am only part human. He saved my life by making me into a robot. What am I now?"

She walks closer to me. "You are just Zane." She says.

Then we kiss. Now I know why I can dream, and feel emotions. I am just Zane. Part human and part robot, but still just Zane.

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