Ninja of Darkness

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I open my eyes again. I feel as if I have been run over by something many times over. I look at my hands, which are bound by chains to the wall behind me. What happened? Wait, I remember waking here before. Three dark creatures tortured me. I am bleeding. But, I am a robot. I cannot bleed. That's right. I am not a full robot, but a human made into one. I shake my head, but soon regret it. I wince as the pain shoots down my back and into my limbs. I start breathing hard, willing the pain to go away. I hear footsteps. They are not regular footsteps. I close my eyes, hoping that they leave me alone if they think I am not awake. I hear them talking.

"Let's go have some more fun with him before he dies, please?"

"I agree. He should die by the dark energies slowly sucking away his life soon."

"No, he's still asleep. It won't be any fun to torture him if we can't hear him scream in pain."

"Aww, man. I was really looking forward to seeing him bleed some more."

"Come on. The Dark Master is waiting."

They walk away. I open my eyes and realize that I have been holding my breath throughout their entire conversation. I let it out, gasping for more breath, but each time I breath I feel like a thousand knives are tearing at me from inside. The air is toxic, at least that is what my scanners say. They said something about dark energies, and that they are ppoisoness to- Oh, I can't think. My head is spinning and I feel like I will pass out. They are right. I will be dead soon.


I agonizingly lift my head up a little to see who is calling my name. Everything is blurry, but I see a light. It comes closer to me.

"Zane, I wish I could rescue you, but it is too dangerous. Your friends will save you. They are on their way."

I try to speak. My voice is low and hollow. "But, it will be...too late." I say, wincing a little as some blood comes up through my throat, I spit it out onto the ground.

"No, Zane. I will give you more time."

The light comes even closer. I can see who it is almost clearly now.

"Liz?" I say, my heart suddenly filling with joy. "Is it...really you?" I regret trying to speak, and she can see it in my eyes and hear it in my voice.

"Don't speak. I am not really here. Like I said, it is too dangerous for me. I might lose control. I have sent only a small part of my spirit to give to you. I am giving you a part of my life until you are saved."

"No, don't. You...need your" I struggle to say. "Do not waste it...on me."

"I am not wasting it."

The light fades, but I feel stronger. My wounds start to slowly heal a little and I can breath a bit easier. I feel her presence around me, inside of me. I take a few breathes, rejoicing in the feeling of having good air in my lungs again.

"Thank you." I whisper.

There is only one word that is said in response. "Live." It fades away. I am alone again, but at least I know that I have Liz with me in spirit. She is giving her life to save mine. I will one day return the favor.


"Alright, I guess we kind of know where we need to go, but does anyone know how to get there?" I ask. All we know is that he's trapped in someplace dark. Really dark.

"We could try asking Liz." Jay says.

"Jay, we've done that." Kai says.

"Why are we not just figuring out if Zane is alright?" Cole says.

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