Ninja of Friends

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Liz sits on the grass, meditating. She has been shunned by her friends, which means she can never go back. She thinks of the world she once called home to her friends, now it is just home to some ninja, a samurai, and their teachers. She sighs a slow, painful sigh, one that is filled with sorrow. When young, her eyes shone bright and were full of hope and kindness. Now, however, they did not shine at all, and they are full of sorrow and troubles.

A tear slides down her cheek. She lets it fall, watching as it hits the soft ground beneath. She stops meditating and lays down, looking up at the sky. She thinks about her life, and her relationship with the ninja. She thinks especially of the white one, Zane. She loves him, and he loves her. If only she hadn't lost control.

She knows that he forgives her, but she cannot forgive herself. She had done him wrong, wrong that cannot be undone. He wants her back; the others do not. She doesn't blame them.

A white light suddenly appears in front her. It is a portal to Ninjago. A bird flies out of it.

"Falcon?" She asks, looking up at the bird.


We decided to send my falcon to search for Liz. He seems to have a talent at finding her. I have made it so that all of the others can see what I see through Falcon's vision. I am blinded by a bright light. I close my eyes, as does Falcon. The light goes away and we see Liz.

"Falcon?" She asks, looking up.

"Liz, it's me, Zane." I say. The falcon opens its beak and relays the message.

She looks back down. "Why are you here?" She asks.

"We want you to come back." I say

"You may want me there, but the others do not."

"That's not true, the others want you back, too."

"Are you sure?" She asks.

I nod my head, making Falcon nod his. She reaches her arm up for Falcon to land on it. He caws and flies towards her. He lands on her arm and she smiles.

"I will come, but not right now." She says.

"When?" I ask.

"In time, maybe a long time, but in time." She says.

The link between us cuts short, and All we see is a blank screen on the wall.

"So what now?" Kai asks.

"Just like she said, we need to give her time." Sensei says. "She must feel disappointed and alone, because of what you four did. Remember, ninja always give second chances."

"Yes, Sensei." We say.

We leave the bridge and I go out onto the deck to wait for Liz, while the others go to play video games. I will wait for her, no matter how long it will take. We are her friends, and always will be.

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