Ninja of Evil

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I can't believe what I'm seeing. My dad is turning evil again. He's turning back into Lord Garmadon. I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. I can't believe Zane is doing this. Why? Why would he do this?

"Father?" I ask.

"Lloyd." He says. His skin has turned black and his hair is back to what it was before. "I will return to defeat you, Green Ninja."


He leaves. I run after him, not caring about Zane. He did this. He's the reason my dad is evil again. I see my dad on the deck.


"Goodbye, Lloyd." He jumps off the retailing.

"Dad!" I yell, running to where he was just standing. I don't see him anywhere. He's gone.

I go back inside. I see Kai, Jay, and Cole playing video games.


Lloyd comes in looking really depressed. I can tell he's been crying. His eyes are red and his cheeks look wet.

"Hey, kid, what's wrong?" I ask. We pause the game as he walks over to us.

"My dad. He's...gone."

"What do you mean he's gone?" Kai asks.

"Zane turned him evil again. He's Lord Garmadon now, not Sensei Garmadon."

We stare at him in shock. Why would Zane turn him evil? What's gotten into him? We all run to our room and swing the door open. We see Zane sleeping in his bed.

"Zane?" I say. He doesn't answer. "Zane!" I say again. This time he opens his swollen eyes. He looks at us.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You know exactly what we're here for." Kai says.

Zane looks at us, confused. "Brothers, I do not know-"

"You are not our brother!" Jay yells. Zane looks hurt. This time by Jay's words and not by his wounds.

"Why, Zane?" Lloyd asks. Zane turns his attention to him."Why did you turn my dad evil again?"

"Lloyd, I do not know what you are talking about." Zane says.

"Yes, you do." Lloyd says, he's starting to cry again. "And what did you say to Liz earlier? When I came in, she was leaving here. She was crying, Zane."

"Liz was here? I am sorry, Lloyd, but I do not remember any of this. It is not that I do not believe you, but I just do not remember."

We stare at him. Either he really doesn't remember anything, or he's toying with us. I don't think Zane could do something so cruel like this. Maybe it's just what's happened to him recently. Maybe his system got screwed up or something. We leave him alone. I give him a look of anger, regret, and betrayal when I leave. I don't know what to believe.


I watch as my brothers leave. I really do not know what they are talking about, but I hope none of it is true. Did I really make her cry? Did I really hurt her? I love her, I would never hurt Liz. They are lying. They have to be. They are just as bad as those dark creatures. They will pay for lying to me.


Wow. I can't believe Zane really did that. It's just so...not like him. He's always so nice and stuff. Why would he?

"Guys, nindroids have been spotted in New Ninjago City." Nya says as we walk out of the room. "Oh, why does she have to be pretty and now be Cole's girlfriend instead of mine?"

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