Ninja of Betrayal

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We bring Zane home, but we don't know what's wrong with him. I mean, he's obviously hurt real bad, but I wonder what else happened to him. Who knows. Garmadon says to just let him rest, but I can't just wait around again. I need to know if he's alright. For sure. I go back into our room to see him still sleeping on his bed. My heart sinks. He hasn't moved since yesterday, when we brought him back.

"Listen to Garmadon and let him sleep."

I turn around to see Liz standing in the doorway. She has her arms crossed over her chest, and she's leaning against the door frame. She looks down at the hard wood floor. She's the master of light, but there's nothing that's bright about her now.

"Hey. I didn't realize...I mean...I'm sure he'll be okay, Liz." I say, rubbing my hand against my the back of my head.

"I know he'll live. That's all I know." She says.

I see a tear run down her face. I can tell she's been crying a lot before she came here. I didn't realize how much she cared about him. She must really love him. She shakes her head and tears fall to the ground. She wipes her hand across her face, then gives up on that and controls the water with her powers. She lifts the droplets in the air and merge them into a small ball of water. She sets the ball on fire to get rid of it. The fire goes out and she walks into the room. She goes over to Zane and kneels beside him.

I decide to leave. I think she might want some time with him alone. I could understand. I see Lloyd as I exit the room. We pass a solemn glance to each other and pass on by. There's been no training today. Maybe not until Zane's better. I don't feel like training. None of us do.


I open my eyes and for the first time in a long time, I can breathe easily. I groan and look around. I am surprised to see Liz sleeping with her head and arms on my bed. She is kneeling on the ground and is leaning over, sleeping. She looks so peaceful. I try to sit up, but groan in pain and lie back down. I regret making any noise because Liz wakes up. She rubs her sleepy eyes and looks at me. Tears start welling up in her eyes. She gets up and gets a little closer to me. She cries and puts her arms around me, hugging me. I wince and take in a sharp breath. This makes her jump back an apologize.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm really glad your alright. I missed you." She says.

I smile wearily and reach my arm up to comfort her. It hurts to do so, but I bear through it. I don't want to see her like this. I touch her gently on the arm, trying to convey my weakness. She sees through my act, though, and gently forces my hand back down. She shakes her head, saying that she's fine as long as I'm fine. I'm not fine. I don't know what it is, but I feel different. It is like something evil and dark has seeped into me. It feels like I am slowly being taken control of by darkness.

"You've been through a lot."she says. "I'm sorry I was not there to help you. I did as much as I could. I helped the others get to you and I helped them find you, and I helped them get back home. I gave them more time to find you by giving you parts of my life."

"Wait, are you okay? I mean, you have lost a part of life as well." I say.

She gives me a sad and weak smile. "I gave you nearly half of my life, Zane. But it was worth it. It was worth it because it saved you. I'll be fine."

I stare at her. She gave me half of her life, just so that I could live. But those creatures said that she was the one who wanted me dead. "I know I asked you this before, but did you send them? Did you send them to kill me?"

She looks sadly at the ground, takes a deep breath in, and let's it out. "Yes." That's all she says.

"That is all you have to say? 'Yes?' After all you have done, all of the suffering you have caused? You said before that it was not your fault, but you lied. Why did you lie?" I ask, tears starting to roll down my cheeks. I do not know why, but I am angry at her. I know that it was her darknes that possessed her to hurt me, but I am still angry. I do not want to be mad at her, she is my love. She is the one whom I want to protect, whom I want to be with every waking minute of the day. Why do I want to be angry at her?

I see her close her eyes and tears start to tumble down her face. She closes her eyes shut, which makes them come out faster. I have upset her. A part of me says that she deserves it, but another part of me says that this is wrong. She should not be crying. She should not be upset.

"Liz..." I start, but she shakes her head.

"No, you are right. I am a liar and I do not deserve your forgiveness. I am sorry, Zane. I hope you will be well soon. Goodbye." She says the last word in a cracked voice. My heart wrenches with fear and guilt. I am so sorry, Liz. I did not mean to make you upset. But I am glad that you are. You deserve it. I shake those thoughts out of my head. I do not know why i think this. She deserves so much more than this. She deserves to suffer like I did.

"NO!" I yell, making Liz look up at me in confusion.

"Zane, what's wrong?" She asks.

I want to tell her that it is nothing, that I am tired is all, but a part of me says differently. "Get out." I say, but I don't want to say it. But at the same time, I do. I repeat it. "Get out, now."

She stares at me in shock, but nods her head sadly and walks towards the door. When she reaches it she turns to me. "I love you, Zane." She says. Then she leaves.

I try to go back to sleep, but I cannot. Instead I lie in my bed, staring at the bottom of Cole's bunk. Why do have to be on the bottom? Why did Jay learn spinjitzu first? Why did Kai figure out who the samurai was first? Why does Lloyd have to be the Green Ninja? Why does Nya get to be the samurai? Why does sensei always sacrifice himself? Why does Garmadon have to be good now? These questions run through my mind. Then I find an answer. It is because I am not like them, I am different. That is why. I decide on this answer and eventually fall asleep. They will all pay for thinking that they are better than me, just because I am different than them. Starting with Garmadon.

Lloyd comes in when Liz leaves.


I passed Kai earlier when he was leaving our room. I decide to go check on Zane. When I reach the door to the room we all share, I am surprised to see Liz exiting in tears. She's actually crying.

"Hey." I say. "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head and disappears in a flash of light, but with a hint of darkness. I enter the room. I see Zane slightly awake, but he doesn't seem to notice me at all.

"Zane?" I ask. "You okay?"

"Get your father, Lloyd." He says.

I run and get my dad. I don't know why Zane wants to talk to him, but I hope it means he's feeling better. I find my dad and bring him back to see Zane.

"Zane? Are you alright?" He says, walking towards Zane's bed.

Zane slightly turns his head towards my dad. He holds out his arm. My dad walks closer.

"Zane, what-" My dad starts, but is stopped when Zane injects him with a dark liquid.

"Dad!" I scream, running towards him. He's on the ground, curled up in pain. "What did you do?" I yell at Zane, who starts to fall asleep. "What did you do?!" I yell again, louder this time.



My dad starts to turn evil again. His skin is growing darker and his hair is turning black. Zane has betrayed us.

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