Ninja of Resolve

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So, Falcon kind this chapter. When he starts speaking, his voice is like it was in the episode where Zane had his dream about the green ninja. Enjoy!


We have not seen Liz since...well, you know. I can still see her face covered in the blood of the spirits. We saw Kiana and Kanira take her and the spirits away, but none of us know what happened to them afterwards. A large part of me knows that she is most likely dead, but I still hope that is not true.

I sigh, making my falcon caw in worry. I glance up at him and raise my arm up so that he can land on it.

"Do not worry, my falcon friend; I am fine. Do you know about Liz?" I ask, not expecting an answer. Strangely enough, I got one.

Falcon cawed and flew in the air. I followed after him on my elemental dragon, wondering where he is going. He lands on a tree in a forest not to far away from the bounty. I make my dragon disappear as I land on the ground below him.

"What are you trying to show me, my falcon friend?" I ask.

Falcon caws again and flies through the trees. I run on the ground after him. This reminds nods me of when I followed him to the Birch Wood Forest, where i unlocked my true potential. Falcon lands on a tree branch, motioning for me to stay where I am. I nod and watch in awe as a figure emerges through the leaves.


I hear Falcon caw and I look slightly below me. I see him land on a tree branch, looking at me with worry.

"Hello, little friend." I say. I have known Falcon since he was built. I was watching over Zane and his father, though neither of the knew it. "What is it that you desire?" I ask.

The falcon opens his mouth and starts to speak. I can actually understand him in human language, and not just in bird language. When he speaks, I listen intently.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his voice deep and wise.

"Only slightly terrified, but fine." I say sarcastically.

"I'm worried about you. Just because I'm a bird doesn't mean I can't worry."

I raise my eyebrow; Falcon rolls his eyes.

"I'll be fine, Falcon. Why worry about me? And why are you not with your master? He is probably worried about you." I say, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"My master is perfectly aware of where I am!" He snaps.

I look at him in shock as I realize that that means. "You mean...You lead him here?" I ask.

"I...uh..." The bird doesn't know how to respond. He disobeyed my one request. Not to be found. "I am sorry, but he deserves to know."

I sigh. "Where is he?" I ask.


I stare in awe as I watch Liz in the branch. Who knew she could understand what Falcon is saying?

She sighs. "Where is he?" She asks.

I gulp, not wanting to upset her by letting her know I am here. I eventually step out from my hiding place, shame covering my face. I look up at her as she looks down at me.

"I'm sorry for..." I say. I don't get far, because she leaps down from the branch and gives me a hug. I stand in shock as to what happened. "Uh...Liz?" I ask.

As if she changes into a whole other person, she quickly releases me and gives me a sad smile. "I'm glad it's you. You are the one I want to say goodbye to. You can tell the others that I have left, but they will not be able to say goodbye. I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter what happens." She takes my hands into hers and looks into my eyes.

She leans in closer, and I can feel her breath on my lips. For a moment, I think she is going to kiss me; but she puts her head on my shoulder and hugs me tight. I hug her back, knowing that this is the last time that I will ever really see her. I feel a tear land on my shoulder. Before I can say another word, she is gone. Falcon caws above me and nods, closing his eyes. We will both miss her.

I return home to the bounty to tell my brothers what happened.

"Zane, where have you been?" Cole asks. "We've been searching everywhere for you."

I look up at them and decide that I cannot tell them; it would be too hard for me. I remember that Falcon had seen the entire conversation, so I ask him to play his memory of it while I go to my bed.

My brothers come in a few minutes later. None of us speak, but we all know what we want to say. Liz is gone; she is never coming back.

"So," Jay asks, "who's turn is it to make dinner?"

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