Ninja of Cooking

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It's been a few day since Liz had appeared. We continue our training, but Sensei seems to be acting different. Perhaps it is was she has told us. She said that her enemies are after our power.

"Hey Zane," Kai says, walking up to me, "what are you doing?"

"I am thinking about what Liz said to us."

"She said to be careful, and we will. That's all there is to it."

Perhaps he is right. There is no need to worry.

"Hey guys, serpentine have been spotted in New Ninjago City, stone warriors in Jamanakai Village, and skeletons in the Birch Wood Forest." Nya said through the intercom.

"What's with all the bad guys lately?" Jay complains.

We split up. Nya, Cole, and Sensei go to New Ninjago City. Jay, Lloyd, and Garmadon go to Jamanakai Village. Kai, Falcon, and I go to the Birch Wood Forest. When we get there, we see Kruncha and Nuckal, as well as the skeleton army.

"Aw man, we get the easy stuff." Kai complains.

"Easy or not, someone has to take care of them."

"Heh. You're right, Zane. Alright, let's get this over with. Ninja-Go!"

Kai uses his spinjitzu to knock over half of the skeltons, and I use mine to knock over the other half.

"You are right, Kai, that was a bit too easy." I say once we're finished.

"How do you think the others are holding up?" Kai says.

"The serpentine should not be too hard, but we should check on Jay's group with the stone warriors."

"Let's go then."

We use our weapon vehichles and go to Jamanakai Village.


Okay, why is it that Cole gets to go with Nya? It's not fair! I mean, I saw her first. Okay, well, I guess we all saw her at the same time, but still. I liked her first.

"Jay, focus!" Lloyd says.

"Right, sorry!" I yell back.

"Why did I ever re-awaken theses things?"

"Hehe, tell me about it, Garmadon."

"It's not your fault, father. You were different than what you are today."

"Let's just beat these guys! Ninja-Go!"

I use my spinjitzu and I see Lloyd and Garmadon do the same. We can't beat the stone army, we need help.

"Need a hand?" I look up to see Kai and Zane.

"Took you long enough!" I say.

"It takes a while to get from-"

"Less talking, more fighting, Zane!" Kai says.

I don't know how, but we managed to scare off the stone warriors, and put them back underground. Let's just one can withsatnd the swesome power of lightning! Okay, maybe also a little help from ice and fire. But still, lighnting did the heavy lifting.

"So, what now?" I ask.

"Well, my uncle and Cole and Nya should be back at the bounty, but we could check on them reagerding the serpentine on our way there." Lloyd says.

"Good idea." Garmadon says


These serpentine are harder to defeat than before. Ha. Jay is probably so mad that he didn't get to go with Nya, and I did. I'm not going to let him forget about this for a week!

"Cole, a little help!"

Whoops. "Sorry, Nya. I'll be right there!"

"Do not lose your focus! They have gotten stronger."

"You don't have to tell me twice, Sensei."


A shock of lightning zapped one of the serpentine.

"Hey what?"

"Haha. Lightning to the rescue...again!" Oh great. Jay.

"We thought you could use a little help, sis." Kai's here too.

"Thanks Kai, but we got this." Nya says.

No. No we don't got this. We would have been gonners if the others didn't show up. Actually, I would have been fine with the others, but Jay? I mean, COME ON!

"That's the last of them." Zane says once we're done.

When we get back to the bounty, we smell dinner. It smells like Zane's cooking.

"Hey Zane, did you make dinner?" I ask.

"No, I did not, Cole. Someone must have made it when we were gone."

"Well, it smells like they cook like you." Kai says. He's right.

When we sit down for dinner, it tastes delicious.

"Whoever cooked this, they're better than Zane!" I exclaim with a mouthful of food. "They even made cake!" I am so happy right now.


Cole shoves a giant helping of cake into his mouth. He's right, this stuff tastes better than Zane's cooking. And that's saying something! We sit there, eating this delicious food, then I here a noise outside. More prescisely, we all heard a noise outside. We stop eating and go outside. We see Liz.

"It's been a while." I say.

Zane steps towards her. "Did you make this?" He asks.

She nods her head.

"It's the least I can do. It's partially mt fault that you fought those enemies toady. They were there becaue my enemies brought them there. I knew all of you could handle it, so I decided to make you guys dinner. Also becasue I felt bad that you were going to have to suffer from Cole's cooking again."

Oh yeah, it was his night to cook dinner.

"Thanks, especially what you said about Cole's cooking." I say.

"Hey! It's not that bad, is it?"

We all stare at him and say at once. "YES, COLE, IT IS THAT BAD!"

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