Ninja of Return

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Wow, Zane is still out there. It's been two days since we talked to Liz, and he's been out on the deck ever since. He keeps looking at the sky in hopes that she'll be there. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he doesn't talk to any of us.

It was his turn to cook last night. He made dinner, but didn't stick around to eat it. Everyone loves his cooking, even he likes to eat it.

"Hey, Jay," Kai says, "is he still out there?"

"Yeah," I say. "He's still hoping she'll be back sooner than later."

"Well, she did say she might be back in a long time, so we just have to wait." Kai says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I say.

I turn to look back at Zane. I see him looking up at the sky. I follow his gaze, as well as Kai. We see something in the sky, a small object coming towards the ship.

"Could that be-" I start.

"Liz!" Zane says. His face literally lights up with joy at the hope that it's her.

The object comes closer to the ship. We can see it more clearly, now. It's a bird. Could Liz have transformed herself into a bird to avoid unwanted attention:? No, this bird is familiar. It's Zane's falcon. Zane looks dissapointed as he reaches his arm up so the falcon can land on it. It caws in confusion as to why Zane isn't happy to see him. Zane strokes the bird with his free hand.

"I guess Liz really won't be retrning any time soon." Kai says.

Zane looks at the ground, his smile completely gone.


Liz lands lightly atop the dragon head on the front of the ship. Her feet don't make any sound as she lands. She crouches on the dragon head, witnessing the display below her. The falcon has returned to his master, who lets him land on his arm. He looks solemn. Her heart breaks a little as she sees him walk away. She wants so badly to run to him, to tell him that she's here. But she cannot. She can't reveal herself until she is sure that she can control her evil. A tear slips from her eye, and it lands on the ground. He hears the teardrop splash on the deck and turns around to where it fell. He sees nothing there on top of the dragon head.


I heard a drop of water land on the deck, but when I turn around, there is nothing there. A part of me wants to believe that Liz was on the ship, but I know that is not true.

I walk back inside, following my brothers. I wish they did not have to send her away. It was not her fault that she lost control of her evil. Why would she not return, though? I should not have yelled at her. I regret that so much.

"Hey Zane," Jay says, "she'll come back, don't worry."

I wish I can believe him, but I just do not know. What if she never comes back? I love her.


Liz sighs and flies away. She cannot come back until she can control her evil. She lands not too far away from the ninja, but far enough that they cannot find her.

"I can't let myself harm them again." She says.

Her evil surfaces and responds. "You will let yourself feel too confident about locking me up, and I will rise again."

"I will not let that happen."

"You know as well as I do that that is not true."

"No, I will not let you harm them again."

"We'll see about that."

Liz suppresses her evil as much as she can. To her, it may feel like years, but for the ninja, it is only days. she feels the burden of her evil deep inside of her, but she knows that it will not bother her for at least a while. She flies back to the bounty, back to the ninja.


I decide to stop concerning myself about Liz, and I decide to play some video games with my brothers. We are all playing together, when we hear something on the deck. We pause the game and go see what it is. we go outside and-

"Zane!" Liz says, running up to me. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting." She hugs me tight. I hug her back.

"What took you so long?" I ask her.

"I had to...take care of some things. That's all any of you need to know." She says.

"Look," Kai says, "We're sorry for everything we said."

"Yeah," Cole says. "We don't care about why it took you so long to get here."

"We're just glad you're back." Lloyd says.

"Friends?" Jay asks.

"Yeah." Liz says. "Friends." she nods and smiles. I'm so glad she's returned.

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