Ninja of Pranks

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 "Happy birthday, Lloyd!" I say, bouncing in the room.

"It's not my birthday." Lloyd says, confused.

I hand Lloyd a can of tunafish. He looks at it as I  run away.

"Hey, this is expired! I'm gonna get you, Jay!"

"That's what ya get when you mess with my training robot!" I yell back at him.

"You're still mad about that?" I hear him under his breath.

"Haha. That was so funny!" I say to Cole later.

"Jay, what did you do?" He says.


 "Hey Jay, I wouldn't spar with your robot for a while. I think something's wrong." Lloyd says, walking in the room.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yell.

"Nothing." He replies.

Lloyd leaves, so Cole and I go to see what's wrong.

"This is terrible!" I say.

 "Uh, a little help?"

Cole and I see Zane taken apart and put back together with pieces of the training robot.

"How-" Cole starts.


"Um..." Zane starts.

"I thought he was past being a brat! Lloyd!" Cole yells.

"Yeah?" Lloyd asks, walking out onto the deck.

"Care to explain?" I ask, pointing at Zane and the training robot.

"Um..." Lloyd says.

"He...did not do this." Zane says.

Cole and I yell in surprise. "WHAT?!"

 Zane tries to finish. "It wasn't Lloyd. It was-"

"Me. I did it."

We turn around to see Liz on the railing of the bounty. She looks really solemn and depressed. She uses her magic to undo what she did, freeing Zane and putting him back together.

"I...I didn't mean to. It wasn't me. I mean, it was me, but..."

"You lost it again, didn't you?" Cole says, crossing his arms.

Liz looks at the ground in shame. This happens every once and while. She kind of...loses it. It's like she's a whole other person. She becomes cruel and mean and...scary. Luckily, no one got seariously hurt, this time.

"I'm sorry." She says.

Zane walks over to her, and puts his hands on her shoulders. Ooh...they're in love. Wait, what?

"It's not your fault. You wouldn't have done it if you knew about it." He says.

Aww...they make such a cute couple. Wait, what?

Kai walks out on the deck, joining us. "What's going on?" He asks.

"We'll explain in the bridge." Cole says. "Come on Jay, Lloyd, let's go."

"What? Why?" I ask.

He gives me the kind of look that I give Lloyd sometimes. It's the look of 'I'll tell you about it later, now let's go, or I'll kill you.' I get the hint and follow Lloyd, Kai and Cole in the bridge.

"Alright, so what happened?" Kai asks.

We explain to him what happened. As the story unfolds, a look of shock appears on his face.

"Why do we still like her?" He asks once we're finished.

"Because she means well. She just doesn't act well all the time." Cole says.

"Well, I think we should tell her to go away. It's too dangerous to be around her." I say. Lloyd, Cole and Kai nod in agreement.

"To her, that stunt he pulled was a prank." Lloyd says. "She sees injury as a prank, a game, as fun. We're not safe around her."

A prank. She's worse than Lloyd. Unlike the time Lloyd messed with my training robot, Cole's chili, Zane's ninja suit, and Kai's highscore, this "prank" was really dangerous. I look back onto the deck. She's gone, but Zane is still standing there, watching the sky.So she's the ninja of pranks, too, huh?

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