Ninja of Nightmares

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I can't focus. I see distant figures around me, but I do not recognize them. I try to look around, to see where I am, but all I see is blurry light.

"Help..." I whisper. "Where am I?"

"Kira, you're awake." I recognize Kiana's voice, but I don't see her.


"You must rest, Kira." Kanira is here, too.

"But, what happened?" I ask. I try to sit up, but I fall back on my bed. "Where am I?"

"You must rest, Kira." Kanira says again.

I try to sleep, but I am haunted by nightmares. I see Azzume lying in the ground, his lifeless body torn to shreds. I see the spirits trying to stop me, trying to keep me under control, but I see myself kill them. I see the Evil Spirit laugh at the Good Spirit as I kill her. She stops laughing when she dies. I see myself split into good and evil, and my good side kills my evil side. I see myself fall to the ground, darkness closing in around me.

I sit up, screaming my head off. I am drenched in sweat and my body feels like it's on fire. I'm breathing heavily and I start gasping for breath. I feel weak and shaky, and I feel dizzy. I think I might pass out.

"Kiana! Kanira!" I yell.

They come rushing in, coming towards my bed. Kanira wraps her tail around me, so I can sit up without using any of my energy. I let myself go limp. Kiana rubs her head against me, trying to reassure me. I slowly start to calm down, but I'm still breathing heavily.

"I-I thought I saw..." I say, trying to make my voice level. "I saw myself...killing Azzume. I...I tore him apart. Then I saw myself kill the spirits. What have I done?" I ask, tears starting to fall from my eyes.

"It was only a nightmare." Kiana says.

"You haven't done anything." Kanira says.


"Go back to sleep."

Kanira loosens her tail around me, making me lay back on my bed.

I eventually fall asleep, but it is not a peaceful rest. The nightmare comes back, every time it shows me killing the spirits. I toss and turn in my sleep. I sometimes wake up, breathing heavily and sweat covering my body. I feel hot and cold at the same time. I shiver when I'm sweating. I throw off my blanket when I have goosebumps.

Whenever Kiana or Kanira comes in to check on me, they get a worried look on their face. They say everything is fine, but I know otherwise. I know that I killed the spirits, but I don't understand how I'm still alive. The three of us need each other so we can live. If I die, that means the spirits die as well. If either of the spirits die, then I die.


I turn my head to see the spirits standing in the doorway.

"Good Spirit? Evil Spirit? How..." I start.

The Evil Spirit cuts me off. "Don't kill us again, alright?" She says.

"But, we're glad you're okay." The Good Spirit says.

They have bandages on their heads and arms and legs. The Good Spirit's smiling, though, and the Evil Spirit is leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry." I say. I know what I did. "But, how are you alive?"

"Kiana and Kanira saved us." Good Spirit said.

"But...never mind." I can't think right now. I'm just going to forget that this ever happened, and go on with my life. "Wait, is Aazume alive, too?"

"Yes." The Evil Spirit says.

The Good Spirit walks over to my bed and gives me a hug. I need it. Hopefully now I will stop having those nightmares. Im glad the spirits are alright. I don't know what I would do without them.

They leave, making me start wondering about what happened again. I shake my head of those thoughts. My head hurts because I'm trying to think about what happened, when I'm still recuperating. I lie down on my bed again, hoping to get a restful sleep this time. I drift off into subconscious, letting my mind travel through memories both distant and recent.

I see my family, my friends. I see my enemies and my allies. I slow my mind when I reach memories of the ninja. I stop at Zane. I linger at the image of him in my mind. He's smiling his trustworthy, loving, caring smile. He's so dependent, so helpful, so intelligent. I feel a smile creep across my face, and fall asleep. I have no nightmares this time.

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