Home early.

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It was 3:00 am in the morning where laurent was. He was in a deep comfortable sleep. That all ended when his phone began to ring. He groaned wishing that his phone wasn't ringing. "Hello." he answered. "Laurent , we have another workshop." the sound of larry's voice said. "Man where now." laurent wasnt actually getting the hang of them having to go to workshops and clubs sometimes interviews everyday since they been on vacation for a long time. "In Florida." he said. Laurent jumped up out the bed now wide awake. "That's home." he said excited. " I know I'm going to call jess and tell her about the news." he said about to hang up the phone. "Non , she probably sleep I surprise her." he recommended. " what time we leave."

" In about two hours." laurent jumped up and ran to the dressers in his hotel still carrying the phone in his ear and in between his shoulder. " WHY YOU JUST NOW TELLING ME MAN.!" he yelled in the phone. " Cause I'm just finding out." larry spat. "merde." laurent said. " ill call you when its time to go." larry said then hung up.

~~~~ 4:20 ~~~~

Laurent has all his clothes packed and was ready to go. He was washed up , & teeth all clean. He was going to stop and get some breakfast at the airport if he had a chance. Laurent walks to larry's hotel locking his hotel room behind him. As soon as he was about to knock on the hotel door it comes swinging open. " You ready." he semi yelled. " Shhh ." i hushed him. " We are not the only ones in this hotel .. people are sleeping you know."

" Dang sorry." he said locking his door and grabbing his suit cases behind him. " We made our way to the lobby. That same lady we met whem we first checked in was there. " here you go lady." i said dropping my keys and heading out the door. " You have to check out sir." she yelled to me. " Larry do it." i commanded. I began putting suit cases in the car. I went back into the suite grabbing larry's also. " Hurry up larry damn." i yelled running out the door. He was flirting with the woman at the desk. She was giggling with the tip of the pen in between her teeth.

I grabbed him by his afro " come on now." i said dragging him out the door. " Ow Ow Ow." he whinned.  I threw him in the car along with his bags and took off towards the airport. " What time should it be when we get home." i asked him. "About 9." he said looking at his clock.

~~~ Skip plane ride ~~~

We finally made it to california. Stepping off the plain i took a deep breath sucking in all the California air with my hands stretched in the air above my head. I let out all the air i was holding in. " Finally home." i said smilling. " Yeah for about 2 days." larry said walking towards the exit holding his patro in his hands. I just shook my head and asked the man who came to pick us and to get our suit cases.

I hopped in the car turning the music up a little. I started bopping my head to the music losing myself in it. In my own little world not thinking about anything or anybody. Hitting every beat with my body. Hitting beats only me and my brother could hear I then felt my twins connection. He was dancing too i knew it cause i feel it. It was so much energy in the car. Then it all stopped when the music stopped. I opened my eyes too see the man starring at us. " Aye what you doing man." i said to driver. Larry looked at him like he was crazy. " i called you plenty of times but you just kept dancing. so i turned the music off." he amswered.

I just looked at him like he was crazy. " Well what do you want." i asked with an atitude. " Were here." he said getting out the car. I looked out the window noticing that we were at home. My home to be exact. Me and larry must have been lost into the music because this ride  went like a blink of an eye.

" Alright larry lets go." i said hopping out the car. He followed grabbing his bags. I did the same. We go to the door and i unlocked it swinging the door open. I stopped in the door way just looking at the living room. " Move laurent dang." larry yelled pushing me in the door. He stopped and saw what i saw. " DAAAAAMN." he yelled again. " Nigga shut up." i said slapping him im his stomach making him drop his belongings. I walked towards the mess in the living room. It was trashy. There was ice cream containers on the table half way gone. Candy wrappers on the floor. They had cookie crumbs all over the couch. " Oh my god." I said examining this mess im not cleaning up. I then saw Alexis on the floor with a spoon in her mouth and a jar of peanut butter in her hand. She had my bbp shirt on also . This is horrible i thought.

" Where is jessica." i said walking into the kitchen. I suddenly trip over something and fall to the floor. " Damn." i cursed. "Right here." larry laughed. He helped me up off the floor. " She looks a hot mess." i said. Her hair was tangled up with a sucker in it. " Ahh watch where you going fool." she groaned turning over to her side. " Look at this ." i said throwing my hands in the air. Alexis woke up off the floor rubbing her head. She took the spoon out of her mouth. " dang what happen uncle laurent." She said looking at me. " LAURENT!." jessica yelled hopping off the floor. She ran towards me with her hands out. I quickly ran behind larry. " Non , clean your self first." i blurted.

Larry walked to Alexis and picked her up off the floor. " You have fun last night." he asked her. She nodded her head while rubbing her eyes. She yawned then blew her breath in his face. " oh dang your breath smells like peanut butter." he laughed then took her upstairs.

I looked at jessica. " Look at this ." i said walking to the living room. " i know right." she said laughing. " This no funny." i semi yelled. " This will take hours to clean up." I swipped some crumbs off the couch. " You see is all filth."

She just stood there with her hands crossed. she sucked her teeth at me and walked into the kitchen. I followed behind her. " Dont ( sucks teeth ) at me." i said. She laughed opening the fridge and grabbing the pitcher. " you cleaning all this up too." i said highly pissed now. " why you acting like a damn baby laurent." she spat. " Cause you messed up the house." i yelled. " Okay and...we was just having some fun while you were gone, didnt nobody tell you to come back early any fucking way." she yelled throwing her cup in the sink and stomping out the kitchen. " You cleaning all this up anyway." i muttered.

" plus this was my house first, I can mess it up if i want to." She stomped up the stairs saying things under her breath. I walked in the den and turned the tv on falling asleep on the couch. " get on my fucking nerves ." i whispered falling into a deep sleep.


Jessica POV :

I cleaned up the living room. Making it spotless from all the messes me and little lexi made. That was like the best night ever until laurent came and ruined it. Speaking of laurent where is that nut. I walked around the house looking for him. He probably left i thought. I walk into the den the last place too look and i see him peacefully sleeping on the couched. I smilled and walked back up stairs. I heard larry in the guest room giggling and cackling with alexis. I went in my room grabbed me a towel and went to take a shower.

I stayed in there for about a good 30 min. I got out and dried myself off then wrapped the towel around my body. I opened the door and walked out. I was walking down the hall but then larry came walking out of the guest room. "Hey larry." i waved with a smile. He looked me up and down. " Larry..." i said. " Oh yeah hey." he said blinking his eyes a few times. i walked up to him and blew his eyes a few times. "Your eyes better now." i joked . "yeah" he said looking in my eyes. I stared into his eyes looking at his brown chocolate eyes just like laurents but his had a little light in the corner. I was too focus on looking in his eyes i didn't notice his arm wrapped around my waist. " Where's al-" i got cut off when larry's lips met with mines. I don't know what happened but i started kissing back. He began pushing me into the room never letting our lips discard.

His hands traveled down to my ass and right there is where i snapped out of it. I broke the kiss. " No larry." i said pushing him off. He looked at me confused. " I'm with laurent." i said pushing him out my room. " Oh yeah" he whispered. I pushed him into the hall. He touched his lip and smirked. I shut the door in his face and went to change my clothes.

All that was going threw my head was 'i can't believe i kissed Larry'. im just going to ask him can we put this behind us and not tell laurent. I got into some black jeggins and a short sleeve all white shirt. I opened the door and stood there was laurent. He looked at me. " Where you going" he asked rubbing his eyes. " Taking alexis home now." i said brushing passed him. I walked into the guest room to see larry sitting on the bed on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled. i ignored him. "Where's alexis." i asked. " downstairs." he answered.

i walked down stairs to see alexis dressed in a pretty dress putting her sandals on. i put my shoes on as well and grabbed my car keys , wallet, & phone. " You ready." i asked her. She grabbed her bag and nodded. We walked outside hopping in the car. I then got a notification on my phone. It read " We can't put this behind but i won't tell laurent " from larry. what is this french nigga up too.

I started the car making sure alexis was in her seat strapped before i pull off. She was of course then i procedded to take her home.

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