Scars from the past.

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Jessica woke up early in the morning. She rolled over feeling someone in bed with her , her thinking it was laurent it wasnt it was a smaller body. She looked over seeing armani sleeping curled up in her covers she also noticed that she had dried tears on her face.

Jessica had gotten up putting on one of laurent big shirts that went down to her knee's jessica was a very short character. She went to the right side of the bed where armani laid peacefully sleeping. She ran her fingers across her cheeks where the dried tears were. Armani twitched a little from the sudden touch.

Jessica smiled a little as she stroked her hand across the small of armani's back. That made armani wake up and move to the other side of the bed making jessica look clueless. Maybe she didnt want anyone touching her? She thought.

"Come here baby girl." She whispered to armani. Armani stood up on the bed and walked to her mom yawning and stretching almost falling a little bit. She walked into her mama's arms laying her head on her shoulder as jessica picked her up rocking her. "Why was you crying?" she asked her still rocking her. "I had a bad dream and i came in here with you" she explained rubbing her eyes.

"awe baby its okay now, you hungry?" she said tapped her butt so that she could sit up. She sat up nodding her head. "Well go use the bathroom first." she told her putting her back on the floor.

Armani walked to the bathroom still tired. "I shouldve left her sleep." Jessica lowly said to herself. She went to her drawer throwing on some underwear and sports shorts.

She walked out the bedroom to the smell of breakfasts and to see nick coming i out of his bedroom too. "Morning Nj." she said with a morning smile. He stretched almost falling over like armani, its like they do the same thing. "Morning mommy." he walked to her grabbing her hand. "You okay?" he asked because of what had happened the night before.

"Yes, mommy's fine." She said as armani came out the bathroom. "We very worried about you, daddy couldve hurt you." he said. Armani interrupted. "He couldve hurt you....again." she added

"Yes i know, im fine though , laurent helped me get better." she put on a fake smile. Deep inside she knew she wasnt okay. She had gotten a call a time ago about grandma's death. She hopes nick doesnt get out of jail and come after her again. she doesnt know why he has changed into a monster. He used to be so nice and lovely. Really jessica think she's changed him from all the cheating she did. She feels like she messed him up as she got better and new life.

"Breakfast anyone" she said changing the subject not wanting to talk about it anymore. They all went downstairs to see the twins cooking breakfast.

"Daddy." armani sung as always to laurent. "baby girl!" he sung back turning around picking her up. "Goodmorning." he greeted giving her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled. "I get no hi." larry said with a puppy dog sad face. "Morning larry." she giggled. He laughed too pinching her cheeks a bit.

"Morning laurent and larry." Nick said walking up to the three. "Morning bud." laurent greeted as well shaking his hands around in his hair. "Morning kiddo." larry said giving nj some dap. "Okay now go sit down until breakfast is ready." Jessica interrupted as laurent put armani down. Nj and armani went to go sit down at the table making sibling talk.

Laurent gave jessica a kiss. "Sleep okay last night" He winked. "Oh yes you know i did, *laughs* but i woke up with armani next to me." she explained. "Eww please get a room." larry said in disgust walking out the kitchen.

"Really , i wonder why." he said with his eyebrow raised. "i know why, she said she had bad dream but before i awoke her she jumped when i touched her." she added. "Where did you touch her," he asked checking the French toast. "I rubbed her back softly." she told him.

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