officially over

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Laurent awoke with a big head ache. All night he prayed for Jessica to come back but his prayers were never answered.

He cried until he couldn't cry anymore and fell asleep. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge he grabbed a water bottle. Gulping all the way down.

Hoping his headache and pain would go down with it. He jumped out of his thoughts when banging came from the front door.

He swung the door open letting larry in. "What happened? Bro", larry said looking at his brother face.

Laurent busted out in tears as he collapsed into his brothers arms.

Larry shut the door and held his brother up. "I knew something was wrong.", he said hugging his brother tightly. "I felt it.",

"She left me man!", he cried more. "Laurent? What you do now?", he said as his brother lifted off his shoulder.

"I cheated on her, bro. I no think she come back to me." He confessed. Laurent whipped his hands across face in disbelief.

"Where she go?" Larry asked in a serious voice.

"I don't know." Laurent said as tears flowed down his cheeks. "She just left me."

"Does she have her phone?" Larry questioned going towards the door.

"Yes. Where you goin?", laurent asked following behind.

"Get yourself fixed up, imma go find my sister." He said angrily stomping out the house.

Larry hated seeing his brother like that. Crying and looking stressed out he couldn't take his brother looking like that. He was very mad at laurent. That woman is pregnant with 2 kids and now missing. How could he could he do such a thing. Jessica is a changed person and doesn't deserve this type of stuff, especially not while being pregnant. Now larry is in fear hoping the 4 is safe.

'buzz, buzz' Jessica phone went off. Another text message from laurent.

She didn't even think to look at is already knowing who it is.

"We can watch a scary movie or an action movie." Jonathan said holding up final destination and a ninja movie.

"I think I'd like to watch insidious 2." Jessica suggested walking to the couch and comfortably sat down.

"Me too." Jonathan laughed.

The kids were upstairs watching a movie also. Jessica kinda wanted grown-up time so she can catch up with Jonathan more, so she popped a movie in and gave them snacks in popcorn and sent them upstairs.

"It's funny how I never seen insidious 1 and we're about to watch insidious 2" jess sarcastically joked.

Jonathan laughed and said "You haven't seen the first one yet?" As he sat next to jess. She shook her head no and he put his hand around her shoulder. It kinda made her uncomfortable but she didn't show it.

The movie started and she jumped a few times hiding herself behind around pillow.

"Still the same old scary Jessica as before I see." He joked. It was surprising how he hadn't budged a bit.

She nudged him In the stomach with her elbow. "Ow!" He sarcastically whinned.

"Ha" She laughed. She was interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Shit!" She lowly said aggravated. Reading the caller ID made her more irratated.

"I'll be right back." She excused herself grabbing the phone and walking to the kitchen.

She swipped the screen answering the call. "Hello?!" She yelled into the phone.

"Jessica where you at?" The voice of Larry's asked into to the phone. He sounded concerned.

"Im some place minding my business, Larry", she said sitting at a table.

He let out a breath of anger. "Jessica! My brother is over here dying because you and the kids are not by his side. He needs you" Larry explained into the phone.

"It didn't seem like he needed me when he was out cheating on me while I was in the hospital !!" She yelled Into the phone.

"Is everything alright In here." Jonathan said in a deep traveling voice.

Jessica shook her head waving him off.

"Who was that ?" Larry asked.

"Nobody! Now tell laurent it's officially over I don't want nothing to do with him anymore" She said hanging up the phone.

"No" Larry said into the phone until he realized she hung up. "Merde!" He yelled punching the steering wheel of his car.

"This is going to kill my brother, foreal" He said covering his face with his big hands.

Larry pulled up back to laurent house. He pulled up into his drive way and made his way to laurent door.

Not knowing how he will put these words 'officially' and 'over' in a sentence for his brother and trying not to make him cry was impossible.

Larry raised his hand to knock on the door but it swung open before he could touch it.

Laurent pulled him in aggressively. "Did you find her?" He asked looking into his brothers eyes for an answer.

Larry looked down at his feet and fiddled with his hands.

Laurent smacked his hands down. "Bro," Laurent said looking at him.

"I spoke to her on the phone and she told me something." He started walking to the couch and placing his self onto it. Laurent followed.

"Well, what did she say?" He said sitting on the couch eagerly to know.

"She said... yall are...officially over and she wants nothing to deal with you anymore."

After that the look on laurent face scared larry....

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