𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 6

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No Girl Trainees◗  

" That, why—oh shit! "

IT HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS since Bora schedule was changed and she was put into Bangtan's practice schedule and everything was going smooth

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IT HAD BEEN A FEW WEEKS since Bora schedule was changed and she was put into Bangtan's practice schedule and everything was going smooth.

The choreographies were amazing, according to her because it was Hobi teaching them mostly. And she loved how easily she could catch up, while if she messes up, Hobi would give her even more easy way to learn.

She needed that guy's patience to be honest. Because she got annoyed everytime she messed up, but Hobi was always calm while teaching.

It seemed like Yoongi was warming up to her too, casually talking to her sometimes or sending a nod here and there. It was progress even though she kinda enjoyed teasing him now.

Than there was Kim Namjoon, the boy had already started taking the parent role and always asking her how school was, if someone was bullying her or even if she needed any help with homework etc.

It was pity that the company had decided to move female trainees to another company called SM or something like that. Bora was worried about it.

All the female trainees were packing, ready to move out while she was still hesitant. It had taken her so much time to get to know those three guys, to trust then and she absolutely adored them.

Now what?

She just leaves?

She didn't want to, but Bang PD had already told her to pack too. Sighing, she zipped her bag and grabbed her phone.

She felt bad for not calling her grandparents since a week, due to everything being hectic about moving and the non-stop training, school work load.

She knew they were understanding, but she also missed them immensely.
" Mi Bora! Bora! Where the fuck are you?! "

She heard Kyung Soo's excited scream and frowned, peeking out of the door.
" What's wrong, unnie? Are you
alright? "

" Oh, I'm good. " Kyung Soo smirked,
" There's someone outside for you. "

Bora frowned and made her way to the main door to find Namjoon and Yoongi. " Oh. " Namjoon grinned, " You didn't actually think you were going to SM too, did you? "

" Huh? I thought I was because Pd-nim told me to pack—"

" Because you're moving into our
dorm. " Yoongi grumbled, giving her a sour look. She loved teasing him at this point so she smirked.

" Ah! Really? Are you here to pick me up, oppa? " She smirked and Yoongi scowled at her, " Quickly! Get your bags, we'll be waiting outside. "

She laughed as Yoongi dragged Namjoon away.

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